[영상] Bouncing out of the car, the knotty craft is the paramedic paramedic patient


  Paramedic paramedic (left) thrown by an explosion on the way to the accident (right) [유튜브 캡처]

Paramedic paramedic (left) thrown by an explosion on the way to an accident Right) [유튜브 캡처]

A 119 ambulance car accident occurred in Gwangju on the second day, and one patient was killed in a car accident.

On the video that aired on the 4th, a CCTV screenshot of the 119 ambulances before the accident and the moment of the collision were shown.

The scene of the collision was filmed in the black box of another paramedic who was driving behind the ambulance.

According to the video, around 11 am, 119 ambulances were ringing the siren and digging on the shoulder at the intersection of three lanes at Unam-dong, Buk-gu, Buk-gu.

Since the ambulance signal has changed since the ambulance entered the intersection, a Starex car ran on the right side of the ambulance.

At the time of the ambulance, an ambulance attendant was compressing the patient's chest who was unconscious and another paramedic was breathing into the patient's mouth.

Another student who was accompanied was holding the body of an ambulance attendant who was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

 119 An ambulance ran from the right side of the ambulance on the right side (left), and the ambulance crashed half way up. way around the bombing, and an ambulance driver rushed to the car (right). On the right side, when a Starex car ran and hit (left), the ambulance crashed halfway around the impact, and paramedics bounced back (right ) [유튜브 캡처] </p>
<p>    Immediately, there was a shock. </p>
<p>  On another ambulance black box that followed an accidental ambulance, an ambulance crashed halfway around the shocking moment, opening the back of the ambulance and two hopping paramedics out of the car. </p>
<p>  The paramedics who bounced out of the house did not move for a moment. </p>
<p>  However, I got up quickly and went to the patient. An ambulance driver drove a sick body and headed for a twisted patient patient. </p>
<p>  The patient was transferred to an ambulance immediately after the ambulance due to the dedication of the paramedics, but he eventually died. </p>
<p>  A 90-year-old woman would have had her breathing and pulse when her family was eating with her family. </p>
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 119 ambulances carrying emergency patients to Unam-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, North Korea, fell to the side due to a crash accident at the intersection. [독자제공=연합뉴스]

119 ambulances carrying emergency patients to Unam-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, North Korea, fell to the side due to a collision at an intersection. [독자제공=연합뉴스]

Police will summon 119 paramedics in the near future and will investigate the situation at the time of the accident.

Under the Road Traffic Act, violation of the speed of the signal is permitted in the case of an emergency car such as an ambulance or a fire truck, but in case of accident, the punishment can not be avoided.

If an ambulance attendant who has caught a steering wheel at the time of an accident acknowledges a signal violation, he must be charged and punished.

Police said, "We will conduct the autopsy to determine if the victim died as a result of the accident, and we will determine whether or not it should be transported by accurately identifying the deceased. 39; incident.

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