Kim Su – min, 2018 Miss Korea & # 39; Jin won … 62nd main character of the crown [종합]


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[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

Miss Kyunghyun Kim Soo-min (23 years old) becomes the main character of the 62nd Miss Korea crown.

The 62nd 2018 Miss Korea's selection contest was held at Songpa.-On the day of the contest, Park Soo-hong and Girls Day Yura attacked MC, and in 1988, Miss Korea Jin Kim Seong-ryung was appointed president of the jury. [19659003MissKoreaKoreawonMissKimJi-sung(23)MissNo14MissKim

Kim Soo-min won the award and said, "I can not believe it. I did not expect to thank you for such a big price. I will do my best in the future. "He said:" I have a lot of things to do and I want to do, I will do my best without any pride. "

Miss No 27 Calligrapher Jeon of Seoul Jeon (20) and Mademoiselle No. Miss Daegu Song Soo Hyun (25) were named by Sun. In particular, Calligrapher Jin Song and Song Soo Hyun received the two-pronged award for their popularity and branding.

The winner of the 39, event was Miss Kim Kyungbuk (20), Miss No.2 Kyungbuk (20), Miss No.3, Miss Chae Won Park (24) (24).

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Photo provided by the Organizer of Miss Korea, Capture MBC Everlia

In particular, the actor Kim Seong-ryung of Miss Korea was the chairman of the jury.

Kim Sung-ryong said: "Miss Korea is a similar thing to a root that can be considered the second birth in my life. . I am now an actor, but my roots are always Miss Korea. "Miss Korea thinks it's a challenge, a dream and a dream for all women. That's enough for the existence of this competition, "he said," I think the Miss Korea convention should continue forever. "

On the other hand, the Miss Korea Selection Contest is the largest beauty festival in Korea, which has been selected as one of the best beauty men in Korea since 1957.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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