"For Korea" .. "News Show" Jung Woo Sung, Yemen Refugees Problems [인터뷰 전문]


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[OSEN=박소영 기자] The actor Jung Woo-sung again expressed his beliefs about the most civil problem in Jeju, Yemen. It was a request to look at the current situation objectively, not to give mine or to tolerate unconditionally.

Jung Woo-sung, who participated in Kim Hyun-jung's news show at CBS on June 5, said, "I can not help but understand the stance of those who speak refusal of refugees in Korea. "It's not a question of objection, it's a question of how much you understand the refugees and they know the difficulties faced by refugees."

He said: "While we are keeping our promises to the international community, we must listen carefully to the voices of these concerns in Korea, and we will have to make such efforts to minimize and eliminate these concerns. objectivity on my point of view on this issue. "

Jung Woo-sung was appointed UNHCR's Honorary Ambbadador to UNHCR in May 2014 and actively participates in the promotion and promotion of the media and advertising. from the Agency. In 2015, UNHCR is working hard for peace in the world as a goodwill ambbadador to the Republic of Korea. In particular, I call for sustained interest in refugees: currently, about 500 refugees from Yemen come to Jeju to lead the controversy.

The following is an interview with Jung Woo Sung, a news program by Kim Hyunjung.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung Since the actor who has always been publicly acclaimed began to express himself on this issue of refugees, was Jung Woo-sung not such a person? I can not stand this time alone. Why talk about the other world? These ailments begin to run. Are you OK?

◆ Jung Woo-sung is a must-have story, of course. It does not seem to act to accept refugees or to accept refugees. I understand how much refugees are and how difficult it is for refugees. And the fact is that refugees are the stories of a distant country. That's why. And the distinction between refugees and migrants is, in fact, difficult for ordinary people.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung Right, right.

◆ Jung Woo-sung Therefore, I have to understand the position of those who are now talking about the refusal of refugees in Korea. Because our society is uneven and uncomfortable, there are jobs, and it is difficult to raise children again and it is difficult to raise children. It was a company like that. But now, refugees are approaching. No, I see, I know refugees are difficult, but do not you have to solve them first? I have the impression that you tell me that I want you to have a priority.

◇ I understand Kim Hyun-jung's position.

◆ Jung Woo-sung This seems to be natural.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung, but I know a little more, if you know enough to know enough to know the parts, then I have to give Jung Woo-sung in that direction. I also asked some questions to Mr. Jung Woo – sung. I brought them together. First of all, what is Jung Woo-sung's position on refugees arriving in our society?

◆ Jung Woo-sung Korea has already established laws and institutions. I can judge them in the law and the system. Now what do I have to help? This expression is true. However, the Republic of Korea is also a refugee status agreement under the international community. The convention is a promise between nations.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung Now that we have made the promise, we are out.

◆ Jung Woo-sung promised that we would not get in our way, not a problem we could not talk about. Therefore, it seems that we need to listen to these concerns at home while keeping our promises to the international community, and make such an effort to minimize these concerns and to dispel them at this time.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong So, we have a promise with the international community, and according to the rules we have established according to the law, we should get refugees and if they are not refugees, they must return them. Are you able to do it?

◆ Chung Woo Sung is right.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong But now I'm going to try to talk about people who are afraid of a lot of refugees. There are a lot of fake refugees who go through the broker to work illegally. How do you know if asylum seekers are real refugees or fake refugees?

◆ Jung Woo Sung In any society, if you do not have legal knowledge, you need to get help from a lawyer.

◇ He receives Kim Hyun-jung.

◆ Jung Woo-sung However, a person who wants to apply for refugee status beyond a country does not know the legal system. So, if anyone knows, of course, I can not help asking for help. But now the word broker does not exist only in Korea. Brokers also exist to travel to a neighboring country that does not cross planes. But the broker is the problem, in fact. If the broker is willing to help between this law and the system and the real refugees, these refugees will have no trouble.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung gives the commission.

◆ Jung Woo-sung But there are some very bad brokers among the brokers. Even women sell for human trafficking. I know what you're talking about when you talk about brokers. You are not a refugee, do you use a broker to donate money and qualify for a refugee?

◇ Kim Hyun – jeong This is not the person who makes the fake documents, the broker?

◆ Jung Woo-sung But false documents can not exist. Because it's the same as ignoring the laws and institutions of the Republic of Korea.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung Can you filter? Do you know?

◆ Jeong Woo-sung It is enough that this person has lived in Yemen and it is very difficult to prove, in fact. This is why the selection process is long.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung So, do you expect a lot of that now?

◆ Jung Woo-sung Now I'm lucky enough to get a little closer, but the exam process is long, shorter. I think it is the one who is in agreement and the other side gathers in the same opinion.

◇ Reduce Kim Hyun-jung. Why do you stay so long on the island of Jeju? I am uncomfortable, I am nervous. It's like that.

◆ Jung Woo Sung However, the review process is long and strict. As a result, the refugee recognition rate is inevitably low.

◇ If you reduce the screening process for Kim Hyun-jung, the screening process may be insufficient.

◆ Jung Woo Sung Actually, I think that there was a problem of manpower. I have 38 examiners all over the country and I need a professional interpreter who speaks Arabic. There was no interpreter or professional translator, and it seemed to take a long time.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung Right. To summarize the words, is there a broker or not? I mean, you can not rule out whether you intervened or not, whether it was true or false. But if you have enough money to buy a broker, you are not a refugee. I think we can talk about it.

◆ Jung Woo-sung So, refugees are not the ones who lost all their belongings. Of course, those who are threatened by life in the crisis of war. And to this day, ordinary people have to suddenly leave the house because of bullets and bombs. And if you are there, you are a person who puts your life in danger.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung There are political refugees and war refugees.

◆ Jung Woo-sung and his refugees, there is no other way to make a difference in their wealth.

◇ Kim Hyun – jeong So when we heard the word, it's a refugee we think. Boat people. We board a boat for 30 people and all our clothes are torn apart and we are just sketching the image of a poor refugee who barely survives. You can come by plane.

◆ Chung Woo sang over the mountains for a few days. You can cross the mountain in a week or ten days. However, the fact that the Republic of Korea is a small island in the peninsula, the way to Jeju Island can not come here by boat. These are the ones who have unfortunately lived in Malaysia, and that is because Malaysia does not ratify the Convention on the Status of Refugees.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung Do I have to leave?

◆ Jung Woo-sung Three months ago, there was a kind of forced deportation, before that, Yemen had been involved in economic activities in Malaysia before the civil war. It is the same Islamic country. I have to say that I have to go to a place where there is a situation where I have stayed or where I stayed or something like that: there are fake refugees coming to Korea to book a flight to Malaysia , I can live. If you look at them in this cross section. And since they have paid all these expenses, they are now running out of money on Jeju Island.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong How long is the trip from Yemen to here? I have experienced many things like this because I have acquired all the properties that I have acquired, when I arrived, I was in a state of non-property. Have you already met? Those seeking refugees from Jeju Island?

◆ Chung Woo-sung I went to the Jeju Forum to talk about refugees. But now that I am on Jeju Island, I met them because I wanted to meet them.

◇ Who are Kim Hyun Jung? On the surface, we expect 500 people and 90% are men. This is a young man. So people are getting strange. Only young men should come to the family? After all, most of the people who came to work are not? I have a lot of these thoughts.

◆ Jung Woo-sung to eat, I have to work. And we must also encourage them to reduce their payments to the minimum in order to minimize taxes in our country.

◇ At the arrival of Kim Hyun-jeong, 90% of young men are not only refugees we know in general, but also refugees who are not pure refugees. Not a real refugee, in a word.

◆ Jung Woo-sung If you start to get caught up in a civil war, you must be a conscript. And if the rebels take control of an area, they will try to bring all the men of the region into the rebels. Then I sometimes take my family hostage. If you do not fight us, we will kill your entire family. And when the rebels came out and the army came in, did you rebel? This is very similar to 6.25. 6.25 When North West youth, the press reported that the alliance had shot down how many people would adopt the ideology, the soldiers were police officers. So it's a bit like that.

◇ Kim Hyun – jung Young men who avoided the situation. Of course, there are many young men targeted.

◆ Jung Woo-sung and he is not only a young man but also a journalist. Two people I met were journalists. One was a programmer, another was computer equipment, and one was a chef. But now some journalists have been tortured and risked their lives for writing articles against the rebels.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong So extreme, there can be terrorists among these people. Those who think of IS are like that. Some people, even if they are not, can eventually settle in Korean society and drift to the periphery to become criminals. Can not you fall in the path of crime? France and Europe. Europe is now concerned about such a problem. Many of these stories.

◆ Jeong Woo-sung is a criminal. Well, I do not know. We have criminals in our society.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung Yes.

◆ Jung Woo-sung So, being a refugee, it is very exaggerated to commit a crime.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong prejudice?

◆ Jeong Woo-sung is a prejudice, but the fact is that it is also a problem of our society that there is a possibility that no matter who can again become a criminal very sadly . It is also a refugee problem and our society. I was trying to separate this part. So this part is a little sad. Is it 2007? The man from Berkeley Cho Seung-hee, a Korean man, had a shot, and at that time in American society, Koreans are all likely to become gunmen. So, do you care about their Korean boys? I did not do it. She is just a Korean – American living in the United States.

◇ Kim Hyun – Korean Jung – American is an unusual mutant and he is the person who has had the problem.

◆ Jung Woo-sung It's a personal problem, I think it's a hard logic to take a little bit of the fact that you're more likely to commit a crime because you're a refugee.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong So they do not fit in and wander to the periphery, but it's not like the originals. If you do not want to fall into the criminals, it's more important that people who have pbaded the C screening is. This is true. So what do you think of this objection? Jung Woo – sung is not rich? Is not it true that the rich neighborhood is always the same? I have lived all the time, in fact. So, I do not worry about security problems without worrying, but ordinary people. People living in poor neighborhoods are particularly those who will continue to live with refugees. These stories are happening a lot now, in various communities. What do you think?

◆ Jung Woo Sung Well. Is it Jung Woo-sung, which is far from reality?

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong Now Jung Woo-sung is scratching his head and scratching himself for a long time. Embarrbaded. What do you mean by that? Jung Woo Sung is far from reality.

◆ Jung Woo Sung Well. I do not know poverty … I do not know. You may have forgotten poverty. My childhood was really a life that had always been at the sanctuary demolition village.

Village Demolition Village Kim Hyun Jung?

◆ Jung Woo-sung However, it's been a while since I emphasize it, it seems to me fun to tell you, I know your life well. Because this refugee problem is a problem that a person or a country can not take responsibility for, and it's a problem that has to be accompanied all over the world, I do not want to tell you to take responsibility for your social concerns. One country, the Republic of Korea, as a member of the international community, the question should be shared and shared with you, I tell you that I do not want to take away the quality and richness of your life.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong C is so. It's a story about it. In the end, they could not adapt to this society, wandering, becoming criminals, becoming slums, neighbors next to me. For not doing so, our first priority is for the government to embrace them, adapt them and take action. That's what you said.

◆ Jung Woo-sung I keep telling you because the law and the system are already in place. And because the cost of their spending in the country is minimized, their employment is a problem.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung All is well, everyone. I can not persuade him to continue with us in tolerance for refugees What alternatives, what kinds of measures would be needed Mr. Chung is not a minister, but I need an alternative as a person who is a little more worried than me. See?

◆ Jung Woo-sung Now I think I must have some objectivity to my point of view by looking at this problem rather than any alternative. When that is done, there will probably be a solution to how our society will look at and accept refugees in the future. Funny false news? And fake refugees. The wrong word now appears.

◇ It's Kim Hyun-jung.

◆ Jeong Woo-sung Because they are the information that they gained in the community with which they continued to trust and share information.

◇ Kim Hyun – Jeong I was given by someone I believed.

◆ Jeong Woo-sung Therefore, it is a very difficult psychological state to deny that the information is highly reliable and false. So, do not just talk about fake news, fake news, fake news, fake news, and you'll have to keep giving us good, relevant information about why this news is unreliable. And there are no fake refugees in the human rights groups because there are other words that are said to be fake refugees there are no fake refugees, and I do not understand why. Do not be so angry like this.

◇ Kim Hyun – jung Why do you have insight and narrow thinking, but do not do it.

◆ Jung Woo-sung I think that it is necessary to continue to be informed about the refugee screening system and why this is not possible.

◇ Kim Hyun – jung So let's say that our society has the right to communicate with the correct information rather than saying that it is the right answer to the current problem. You block your ears and your opponent does not want to hear your opponent. It took place on both sides of the pros and cons last weekend. Let's see what is the most reasonable way to listen to rich information, rather than this opposite situation. You see this time now.

◆ Jung Woo Sung And that is the story of refugees in Korea, not the refugee problem. Our society has always been uneven. It was absurd. And the wound has not been healed. Because of these social problems, it seems that this problem has increased because of sudden refugees coming from the outside. If you make a good opportunity to solve these problems, you can become a more mature Korean nation that can take care of refugees in the international society and go to a mature society that can take care of the insane clbad in society. meaning that I have to do it because of this opportunity with such an atmosphere.

◇ Kim Hyun – jung On the contrary, our society can become a stepping stone to maturity. It could be a good opportunity, a chance to debate and a position for the Blue House, what about this part? I'm looking at it now. What do you think?

◆ Chung Woo Sung can not help but see.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung becomes understanding?

◆ Jung Woo Sung I understand. I understand

◇ Kim Hyun Jung becomes understanding? How deep are you?

◆ Jeong Woo-sung Because there are people in this country who show resentment against refugees. Because of the people,

◇ Kim Hyun Jung You should listen to this and listen to that.

◆ Jung Woo-sung I want to get through this problem, which started with the refugees, a little wisely.

Kim Hyun-jung Jung Woo-sung meets you. Goodwill Ambbadador to the United Nations Refugee Agency. You are fine. I'm worried. Because actors and singers, these people are actually skeptical about issues that have socially exciting conflicts. It's the first time I see a studio.

◆ Jung Woo-sung In fact my personal instinct, through the SNS, some of you are the voice of anxiety, some of you are just very emotional and primitive. I do not really see any comments on these things, but as I do this time, I read all the things you send me like that twice and why these people will have those voices. It's as if the first time I was trying to see their feelings in the back.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung No, in fact I avoid running. There are many people who do not read on purpose, read you twice, three times?

◆ Jung Woo Sung About this issue.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung Why?

◆ Jung Woo-sung You can communicate with people who are clearly opposed or who criticize the voices and should see the hidden feelings.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung trying to understand? And. I really think that he is a very good person. What kind of feelings do you read twice, three times, blame me? Is there something that I did wrong? They study, study and communicate that they understand what they feel and what they do. If social problems and political problems arise in the future, if you have a certain opinion, you will be admitted.

◆ This is true. I think my generation is the most important age. I think it is important for my generation to express and act to make the Republic of Korea a help to the next generation. Tell me that I am a little upset that there is no love for our children.

parents Kim Hyun-jung's parents? We do not get married because we do not have a child, we do not understand, I know how precarious our mothers are. It's a story.

◆ Jung Woo-sung I fully understand that you can say that I really love Korea and that I love my children so much. Perhaps because of their parents, and also because they express for the best future of the Republic of Korea, the number of refugees now 68.5 million counts now, living the lives of 68.5 million people That was someone who was there. Ordinary We should not repeat this difficulty. In the end, talking about refugees and helping refugees is what refugees say these absurd conflicts and the war should disappear. Therefore, the interest for refugees is not only a warm help to people in need, but rather the expression of their willingness to say how to get rid of this conflict. Kim Hyun-jeong I discussed with Jung Woo-sung in the end, but there are many people who do not know this part of the UN refugee agency, ambbadador, good ambbadador will or public relations team. You do not go on your business at all? Do not you think that?

◆ Jung Woo-sung I am the happiest person to talk about movies because I am a movie star.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung I am happy. Yes Now that you have met your refugee interview, you should now go to the CRT and meet Jung Woo-sung.

◆ You should meet on the screen of Chung Woo Sung.

◇ On the screen of Kim Hyun Jeong. Actor Jung Woo Sung. I will open it on June 25th.

◆ Jung Woo Sung Thank you.

◇ I'll meet you at Kim Hyun-jung's CRT.

◆ Screen Chung Woo Sung.

◇ Kim Hyun-jeong is a TV tube. I will meet you on the screen, on the screen. Yes I appreciate your appearance today. Latest news for listeners. You must pronounce well. A word for the listeners of Kim Hyun-jung.

◆ Jung Woo-sung listeners, interview I do not know how you heard. This is not easy, last greeting. There does not seem to be such a crucial period in the very important history of Korea. However, I think it is a bad thing for all of us that the social conflict in the Republic of Korea is spreading widely because of the refugee problem. So, the information you see. And I want to be a society where both sides of the other are discussing and discussing whether the words to be said are right for one another. The news show of today's Kim Hyun-jung. I was so grateful and happy to be with you listeners.

◇ Kim Hyun Jung J was really precious. I am very busy thanks to you. I will greet you on behalf of the listener. Thank you.

◆ Jung Woo Sung Thank you.

◇ Kim Hyun-jung, actress and ambbadador to the United Nations refugee agency Jung Woo-sung.

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