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Solidarity Participation, Report of Analysis of the Spending of Special Activities of the National Assembly 2011-2013
Negotiating Group Monthly Representative 60 million won · Monthly Standing Committee 6 million won Receiving monthly

  The details of the operation of the special expenses of the National Assembly, which was used without precision, are revealed to the public. (Photo of the chairman of the main meeting = Kim Yong-jin)

◆ … Details of the operation of the special activities spending of the National Assembly, which was used unattended, are revealed .

The content of the cost of the special activity of the National Assembly (hereinafter referred to as "the second salary"), which has not been monitored since its original purpose, has been published publicly.

On May 5, Permanent Solidarity for the Participatory Democratic Party (PDP) held a press conference and announced the "2011-2013 Report on Spending Analysis of Special Activities Expenditures". By the National Assembly.

Previously, the National Assembly received from the CRSP a request for disclosure of expenses for non-payment and refused for reasons such as the national interest and the protection of personal information. However, in the "private annulment lawsuit" that began in 2015, the ultimate loss was to provide 1296 spending resolutions to the participating coalition on the 29th of last month.

And the basic expenses of the National Assembly Office.The purpose of the use is strictly limited if it is based on the fundamental purpose. It is however specified that it was written as "budget budget" because it is not mandatory to submit proof of use.

Park Keun-yong, member of the executive committee, emphasized in the interview: "The periodic payment was made even if it had not been used in the National Assembly "It is the" gut phenomenon "that has allowed to omit the proof of receipt.

With respect to these data, the Standing Association said: "Because the longevity tax does not have to prove the receipt, it does not have to be. There is no monitoring And was used without control, "he stressed," was a second salary for lawmakers. "

According to the data, the National Assembly regularly paid meal fees representatives of bargaining groups, chairpersons of standing committees and chairs of special committees on a monthly basis, to undertake special activities or committee activities. Every month, the extraordinary expenses amounted to about 60 million won for the negotiating group and about 6 million won for the standing committee and the chairman of the special committee.

In the case of a special review and ethics committee, 6 million won were regularly paid to the president each month even though the meeting had not taken place. In addition, in addition to the activity fee received as permanent president, the president of the court received 10 million won a month, and it was revealed that the secretary, committee members and key members of the professional committee were divided.

Solidarity Participation said: "There is no reason to pay extra fees to the Ministry of Justice, if this is necessary for the Committee's budget, it is appropriate to use it as a fee of policy development or as a specific business expense.

◇ Payment of a large amount to the "unidentified" consignee …

In the triennial data published by the National Assembly, the number of people in the National Assembly who received at least one additional tax was 298. However, the beneficiary receiving the most money received the lump sum payment of about 1.8 billion won in 2011, about 2 billion won in 2011 and about 2.1 billion won in 2013
[2011] ] This is a substantial sum equivalent to a quarter of the total lump sum of the National Assembly. difficult to identify the person who withdrew the amount, and of course, what kind of expense it is, so it's literally a state of "darkness".

Director of the Seobuk Gyeonggi Monitoring Center said, "There is a rumor that lawmakers have a habit of distributing between several hundred thousand and one million won in terms of political development costs, but there is no data. "

The Speaker of the National Assembly was not clear of the problem of nonprofit. Park Hee – tae, former president of the National Assembly, has paid five times $ 289,000 and l & # 39; former president Kang Chang – hee received six times $ 258,000. The participating coalition said, "It makes sense to receive a lump sum payment of $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 for a trip abroad," he said.

In addition, it was discovered that redundant expenses were distributed in the name of supporting bargaining groups. In addition, the legislator's research institute has been awarded 500 million won annually. The KNPA has criticized it as "a misconception that there is no reason to pay extraordinary expenses on the premise of confidentiality in research-related activities."

  First page of the badysis report on the spending of the National Assembly in 2011-2013 (Photo = Participatory solidarity)

◇ Solidarity against poverty for the solidarity of participation "We must abolish all the expenses of the privatization service … We will publish the details after 2014

The Pyeongyang Coalition which led the disclosure of data over the course of three years of trial concluded that the expenses of the National Assembly should be abolished.

The participation coalition declared: "First of all, the activities in the National Assembly should be open to the public and evaluated", and "the practice of wasting national taxes without any management or control should be eradicated.

He urged the Diet to immediately disclose details of the post-2014 date, which was not included in this report.

Yoo Sung-jin, deputy director of the monitoring center, said: "Since the National Assembly's office is a support organization for parliamentarians, we can only do so if the public delegation makes a decision. opened. Guest.

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