SK E & C reaches agreement for joint development of KRW 120 billion from Namyangsan fuel cell companies


[뉴스토마토 김응태 기자] SK E & C will promote 120 billion won from the Namyangsan Fuel Cell Power Generation Project.

Headquarters of SK Construction in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

SK E & C announced on May 5 that it had signed a joint development agreement with three companies, including Korea Highway Corporation, KOMIPO and Kyungdong City Gas for the Namyang Mountain Fuel Plant Project.

The Namyangsan Fuel Plant Project is a development project that builds and operates a phosphoric acid battery power plant with a capacity of 20 mW at the unoccupied Namyangsan IC site in Yangsan City, China. Kyungnam Province. He is promoted to a private energy production company in which the operator finances and operates directly. The total cost of the project is about 120 billion won.

SK E & C will carry out EPC (design, supply, construction) of fuel cell power plants as part of this project. KOMIPO is responsible for the purchase of a new renewable energy supply certificate (REC), Kyungdong City Gas provides fuel and Korea Highway Corporation provides business sites. Three companies, including SK E & C, KOMIPO and Kyungdong City Gas, will invest their capital and participate directly as shareholders.

The Namyangsan fuel cell power generation project was approved for the power plant project in June. It will conclude major contracts by the end of the year and will begin construction in 2019, with a view to commercial exploitation starting in 2020.

SK E & C expects to increase energy self-sufficiency in the mbad production area by establishing a distributed power plant producing green energy. The fuel cell is a power station that produces electricity and heat by supplying hydrogen extracted from natural gas and reacting with oxygen in the atmosphere.C & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Is a source of ecological energy with high efficiency and low greenhouse gas production. ]

In September 2014, SK E & C built a 20 mW molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) power plant in the base of Gordok vehicles. It currently produces 170 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year and heat is supplied to neighboring Gangdong areas. In addition, the SOFC plant for the first time in Korea is expected to be completed in October.

The Vice President of SK E & C stated: "We expect the fuel cell electricity generation market to develop progressively in accordance with the Government's policy of expanding electricity generation. renewable energies. "We will continue to explore new business opportunities. 19659002]

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