Democratic Party Debate Hong Joon Pyo General Secretary & # 39; Kang Hyo Sang


  In the afternoon of the 5th, a free member of the Democratic Party of Korea, Kang Hyo Sang, attended the forum and drew attention. The text on the right is a text message sent by a member of reporter Kang. [연합뉴스, 뉴스1]

In the afternoon of the 5th, a free member of the Korean government, Kang Hyo Sang, attended the debate of the first legislative badembly of the Democratic Party in the National Assembly Hall. The text on the right is a text message sent by a member of reporter Kang. [연합뉴스, 뉴스1]

The 5th, Kang Hyo – sung, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, attended the first –

A Kang member was detained in the hall of the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul this after -midday. New Year's Day, the Democratic Party Tomorrow "debate."

In November of last year, Kang was appointed Head of the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea by Hong Jun-pyo. of Hong because of a local election defeat, Kang did not attend the first-level legislative badembly or the legislature's general badembly.

Kang met with journalists after the debate and explained the reasons for attending the debate of the Democratic Party, saying: "We thought we would become teachers on the other hand in the direction of reform or reconstruction at the same time. future. "

He said," It is good to be able to grow when there is good peace and quiet "and" to attract the opposition party "during the day's debate. It was also good to monitor corruption and division.I think that's applicable to our "I want to give a high score on the fact that I'm not proud of myself, but I'm egocentric and self-directed," he added.

On the day of the debate, the first members of the Democratic Party gathered in front of the Democratic Party's first cabinet, I would like to organize a discussion forum. "

Members of the Democratic Party reportedly replied that they were not allowed to vote. they did not care to attend the meeting, but "I do not want to explore it." B, e, v, n, t, s) {function (f, b, e,
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