A group of Asian basketball players, group league with Taiwan and Kazakhstan


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 안준철 기자] In 2018, the Asian Games of Jakarta and Palembang, a women's basketball team will be held in Taiwan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and India.

The Asian Olympic Council (OCA) held a competition for the Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang on October 5th in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The women's basketball team, now the only inter-Korean team, was included in Group X with Taiwan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and India. Group Y included China, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and Mongolia.

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On the afternoon of 5, the unified North and South basketball match was held at Kyung Ju Young Gymnasium in Pyongyang. The South and North Korean athletes are hugging each other, including the South Korean orchestra player who finished the game and the South Korean player from the north. Photo (Pyongyang) = collective collective

The name of the women's basketball team will be Korea (KOREA) and the abbreviation COR. The flag uses the Korean peninsula and Arirang is used for national representation.

Korea Basketball Association (FIBA), the Korean basketball player ranked 16th, won a gold medal at the Asian Games in Incheon in 2014.

North Korean women 's basketball, ranked 56th, has not played at the Asian Games since it was ranked 5th in Beijing in 1990.

Meanwhile, men's basketball was organized in Group A with Korea, Mongolia, Indonesia and Thailand. Group B includes Iran, the Philippines, Syria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), while Group C includes Japan, Qatar, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Kazakhstan, China and Palestine were included in Group D.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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