Shoah Buddha Claude Lanzman director


French journalist Claudius Lanman, who produced the 9-hour documentary "Shoah" on the Holocaust, died on March 5, 1993.

Survivors, German writers and observers from Poland.

Shoa, completed in 1985, 11 years after the start of production in 1974, sees the desolate landscape of Poland where the concentration camp is located, but sees the Holocaust as a gift, not a story of the past. Originally, the planned amount increased to 560 minutes for 2 hours, but I have not written any pictures in the history books and there is no music from background.

His second filmmaker, the documentary, was screened at the age of sixty.

Landzman later explained, "I knew that the theme of this film would be death itself – death rather than survival," he said in his autobiography.

Born into a family Russian Jewish immigrants, he studied philosophy at the Sorbonne after his residency, and he studied philosophy at Jean-Paul Sartre and his partner, Simone de Vovaard, joined the magazine "Hyundai", which

Lanzman soon became a new lover of Bob Arles and lived with her from 1952 to 1959.

As a leftist journalist in the 1950s and 1960s, he wrote a series of 39 articles on Israel, North Korea, Tibet, etc. Napalm Tan 'deeply examine his visit to North Korea in the late 1950s.

Lanzman is married three times and l & # 39; last year, his 23 year old son went to cancer first

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