[정치] Peaceful candle & # 39; foaming & # 39; … The preparatory army is prepared for the indictment


■ Distribution: Number YTN News N
■ Progress: Kim Jong-An Anchor
■ Distribution: Choi Chang-ryeol Professor Yong-in University, Lee Jong-geun Daily Writing

[이철희 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 3월 10일날 헌재 탄핵 판결이 나오잖아요. 그날 기점으로 만약에 탄핵이 기각이 된다고 하면 위수령을 발동하고 위수령을 발동해서 안 되면, 또 논란이 생기면 일반계엄으로 가고.일반계엄 갔다가 다시 비상계엄으로 간다라는 겁니다. 비상계엄을 하게 되면 사법, 행정 다 통제하는 겁니다. 군정입니다, 군정. 사실상 입법부도 다 재갈을 물리는 거죠. 그러면 사실상 군정이 되는 그런 식으로 기획을 했다는 건데 이분들은, 이 안을 짰던 사람들은 헌재가 탄핵을 기각할 걸로 예상을 했던 것 같아요.]

▶ Anchorage:

▷ Interview: Mr. Kwon was a unit of command of the army security in the past. Kimura is a bit strange, but the meaning of KIMURI is to keep security and secrecy, and that means Kimura. In the past, security, security. The former command of the security of the armed forces was very bad at the Secret Service Security Command.

After the badbadination of former President Park Chung Hee in November 1979, the former president of Chun Doo Hwan was then the commander of the security forces at the time.

In ancient times, when we were in an antipiracy, did you hear Pusan's words? This is the origin of these intelligence agencies. But after the democratization of democracy, they still have not done it. It's like last year. In March of last year, the extermination of former President Park Geun-hye was made to the Constitutional Court.

That is why the GDC revised the law on war or martial law. But there are a lot of problems here, but how did you think the confusion could happen at that time? Of course, even though the premise is that dismissal is dismissed, candlelight vigils have been held every week since the end of last fall until the March dismissal of last year.

▶ Anchor: This is a very peaceful badembly.

▷ Interview: There was no violence in the world, but I looked at the reasons for mourning and martial law because I was expecting people to turn into a crowd , a crowd. I do not think that's really what you know in the document, but it really makes you feel that the need for history has come back in the past in the 1970s.

President Park Chung Hee s & # He was beaten in the 7th presidential election. I was published after that, and in 1971, when Kim Young-sam was re-elected, there was a riot in Busan and Masan. I mean, it is not the army that has the command.

So, it's a matter of mockery, mockery, etc. … It's a good idea to have martial law, I do not know if it's appropriate but i think i thought about this on a pretty concrete level. Simply legal.

▶ Anchor: Because the document is out.

▷ Interview: This seems to be beyond the legal revision, level.

▶ Anchor: Yes. First, as you said, it's an organization whose purpose is to gather confidential information about military affairs. In this document, however, how to proclaim the law of war or martial law through the process is beyond that and concrete plans of action are included.

▷ Interview: It's very concrete. The hypothesis that if it is rejected is obvious. It is appropriate that there is confusion when rejecting. There will be an attempt to take control in Cheong Wa Dae, an excitement to throw a fireball, and then take a gun to the Ilsan police station.

Because martial law requires the consent of the National Assembly. The consent of the legislature is required. That 's why I first make a wake – up call, and then when I get annoyed, I'm getting ready to go to court martial urgently. By the way, when you speak now, it's very specific.

In the Yeouido area, a brigade can be fought when there are three brigades in the Gwanghwamun area. And you can guess that it is not such a proposal that is simply expected, but rather a document that can actually be executed.

▶ Anchorage: As you said, this could be a riot in the context of a peace conference, a situation that people do not understand. At the time of the indictment of former President Park Geun-hye, the Democratic Party president prepares martial law by Cheong Wa Dae, which was very controversial at the time. But now I think it was not a bad idea. Listening

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