[Oh!쎈 리뷰] "Complaints and grudges → departure 30 minutes earlier" .. "Fleur de fleur"


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[OSEN=박소영 기자] "More than flowers", "whitewashed" has changed. He did not blame his slowness, but he could afford to start 30 minutes earlier than the others. The trip to My Way was started by Baek Il Seop.

The first trip to Berlin began with Lee Sun-jae, Shin Gu, Geun-hyeong Park, Baek Il-seop, Kim Yong-Gun and Lee Seo-jin in TVN & # 39; Lee Seo-jin has completed preparations for full bloom the day before, and planned as Brandenburg, Holocaust Memorial Park, Potsdam Square and Checkpoint Charlie.

From the beginning, Lee Sun-jae was unconditionally simple. Baek Il – seop, who had a difficult leg, could not catch up. In the end, Baek Il Seop walked from behind and stopped. Kim Yong-kun came back and became the master of Baek Il-seop. Baek Il-seop said he would like to travel at his own pace.

Even after arriving at the first tourist destination, Brandeiburg, Baek Il-seop was delighted. I decided to take a bike ride while the other walks were walking to the Brandenburg Gate and enjoyed the trip. Baik Il-seop traveled the whole city of Berlin by electric bike. On the contrary, I looked around more places than the other girls.

In the museum, Baek Il-seop fell alone. I ordered coffee at the cafe for the production team and enjoyed the space. I even joined strangers and finished my own trip to Berlin. While others were studying German history and culture, Baek Il-seop was spending alone time alone.

The next day, having breakfast together, Baek Il-seop said, "I will leave at first 30 minutes, every time I hang out behind my friends, pack my bags for work. of the team and I started first.It was five minutes for the others, but Baek Il-seop rushed for 30 minutes.

He walked alone in the Berlin streets alone, I walked slowly and still enjoyed a cup of coffee.He said, "I agree with six people to go on a trip, I want to be mine.

fact, Baek Il-seop, 2013 "blooms only the flower" since the first trip to his brothers than the endurance of the people who bought the sadness.This time the legs and knee were operated before the trip Even more physically impaired, he joins the courageous "More than flowers."

Shingui about Baek Il-seop, "I'm sorry I do not have to have managed the body, but our members were in the first place, and we can not wait because I can not wait for a moment, "he said. Lee Sun-jae also said, "I thought Baek Il-seop would not be able to make this trip, and I'm glad to have followed it.

Above all, Baek Il-seop is engaged. He said, "I've been bruised for two or three days before my trip to" Flowering Flowers, "and I'm so excited to sleep," he told members and viewers who were s & # 39; They were worried about his delay. .

The slow journey of others with Baek Il Seop begins now. /[email protected]

[사진] & # 39; More flowers & # 39; only flowers

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