Port of Incheon West red light … Public-private joint research


  West Incheon Port Red Light ...

An additional ant was found at the Incheon Container Terminal yard, where dozens of foreign pests were found

Headquarters of Quarantine of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock, Ministry of the Environment, Rural

At this location, about 70 red firebug workers came out of the bottom of the courtyard on morning of the day before.

During the survey on the gap in the yard, there were more red fire birds.

In addition, An official of the quarantine office said: "Today, red ants have been found,

The joint investigation team will carry out all the containers in a radius 100 m around the crane because it is in this yard that red ants accumulate the containers at a high height.

This is the sixth time that red fireworks have was discovered in Korea

Red ants, which are foreign pests originating in South America, come only from port yards and containers in Korea.

In the Busan harbor yard, at Hutchinson Wharf, 3,000 workers and 150 others were found with princess ants in Busan Harbor yard, Hutchison Wharf. (untreated female ants before becoming ants) 11 red firebirds were found in Korea [19659003] Ants princesses make an ant and form a cluster when ants rise to the sky and mate and fall to the ground.

In the university community, the toxicity of red ants is similar to that of bees, but it differs from some concerns.

In Asia there is no case of death in this ant and there are few cases in the United States and South America, but it is not known if this is also a cause direct ants.

Noh Suhyon Quarters of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock The head of quarantine said: "In the case of Incheon port, 50 to 60% of the total volume of trade is imported from China, "(19659003)

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