Summoner Sue, maximizing guild links … Tartarus & # 39; labyrinth & # 39; public



Comteus Kim Tae-hyeong, Development Team Leader

This year, the "Summoners' War", where the content of the guild is strengthened, between in play.

Com2uS & # 39; Guild One & # 39; .

First of all, the new content of the guild is the 'maze of Tartaros', Comteus Kim Tae-hyeong, head of the development team, directly presented the content of this event.

19659004] Kim Tae-hyeong, head of the development team, said, "I thought that strengthening the content of the guilds would create links and links, and make Summoners Zoowoo a fun and unique game . "

Kim also released an internal lens design. I am confident that the update has been successful so far, but the guild focuses on the PVP before occupancy.

The contents of PVE guilds, the focus on casual and light users, and the game in cooperation with the three objectives were planned.


"The Labyrinth of the Tartars & # 39; has more than 150 stages, and each guild has a different structure. There are also hundreds of boss positions, clear conditions and random designs of monsters entering each stage.

In cooperation with the user, it is very special to break through the maze which consists of countless tiles as PvE content and repel the final boss.

There are three kinds of labyrinths, the middle boss "Leos", "Kotos", "Kies" and the final boss "Tartarus".

The final boss Tartarus receives three printed runes patterns. If you were able to destroy runic objects from the intermediate boss previously, then Tartarus would not be possible. This is a feature as the battle progresses in the form of destroying both shoulders and attribute changes whenever a specific turn is pbaded.

There is a 14 day delay for a maze, and as soon as you clear it, you can get better rewards for all members of the guild.

There is also a special. Kim said that he had designed five types. There are time limits, bombs, rescue modes, and so on.

Rewards are divided into two types: Combat Victory and Clear Labyrinth.


The Clear Labyrinth awards up to four scoring slots from S to C, and up to four are awarded based on the contribution of guild members.

In combat, all members of the guild will be able to participate in the battle without any restrictions, and will encourage active participation.

Additional content is Guild Achievements and Guild Magic Stores. It appears. Over 70 achievements and achievement points related to guild content are added as new items. Success points are used to raise the level of the guild.

Guild level 30 is the highest level, and depending on the level of attack and buffs defense are provided benefits. The guild magic shop offers a list of items shared throughout the guild. It is possible to buy one of the related items once.

Comteus Kim Tae Hyung, head of the development team, said: "ZooWoo Summoner has been in operation for five years already." "I've had a lot of thoughts on preparing the update, (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) n.callMethod?
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