MK News – From "Sean Shine" to Lee Byung Hun X Kim Tae Ri … Legend birth myth "overwhelming"


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 신연경 기자] & # 39; Shaun Shine & # 39; was overwhelmed by the unique event and announced the birth of the myth 'Legend & # 39 ;.

TVN weekend drama Sean Shine & # 39; (the play Kim Eun-sook / directed by Lee Eul-bok / Produced by Anam Pictures, Studio Dragon), which aired for the first time in the afternoon of 7, I showed the majesty.

In the first batch, the average price of households wired, satellite, IPTV and pay-per-view was on average 8.9% and 10.6%, respectively. The target audience of TVN from 20 to 40 years also skyrocketed to an average of 5.3% and a maximum of 6.9%, leading to an increase in ratings, including the terrestrial broadcasting, at the same time.

(Nielsen Korea / Paid platform / furniture standard nationwide)

  429126 0th image of the article

  Description of the photo 'Sean Shine & # 39; first image broadcast = "Sean Shine" capture the issue

'Sean Shine' is the first show, Spectacular visual effects and fascinating history that keeps the eye in perfect harmony with the audience. In addition, Kim Eun-sook vividly described the catastrophic sinking of Korea, which has not been covered in any drama before, and Lee Bong-bok has embraced spectacular scenes such as ships and gods of war. fierce war, 'Production team.

Above all, Lee Byung-hun showed his unique presence as "Eugo Choi, who suffers from the first episode of the devastated Chosun. I was born as a novice and I lived an exhausting life. Captain Eugene Choi of the United States Marine Corps has been ordered to meet with President Roosevelt and travel to Chosun as an active member of the Sea War. In the words of Kyle (David McGuinness ) that Korea is going to be good, Eugene said, "My country is America. Joseon never took me, "said Eugene Choi, who was injured by Joseon.

In addition, on this day, Eugene Young, 1871, the year of Shinmyangyoyo, the US warships, the desperate story was revealed. The parents of Eugene were killed by the greed of his father for his master Kim Pyo-seo (Kim Jung-soo), and Eugene fled at his mother's cry before throwing himself into the well . After arriving in the United States, Eugene overcame his miserable life and put himself on the path of a soldier.

Kim Tae-ry showed a strong performance as a young woman, Young Ae, who came to her grandfather Ko-hao (Lee Ho-jae) with her parents. In the drama, the goddess received a message to Apha who brought various ornaments and rare items, and she was secretly inserted between the anthologies. The pain of a painter who loves a message more than refuges, and the pain that a smile smiles brightly at a painter painter who smiles to him saying "please do a good deal in reading all this »

In addition, John appeared to Kim Hee-sung, a grandson who was loved by the violent Kim Panse, who caused the death of Eugene's parents. Kim Panso, who had chased the poor farmer and sold the land, ignored the tenant's request to live and handed a pocket watch to his grandson Kim Hee-sung, revealing his grandson's expectations. Kim Hee-sung, who does not know what to do when looking at Kim Panso, has unfolded it, asking him questions about the future.

Meanwhile, the second episode of "Miss Shine" will air at 9 pm the same day. [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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