Seoul Public Garden Station 7017 … New Address Instead of "Toegyero 33"


& # 39; 7017 in Seoul & # 39; This is the name that was attached after the Seoul Expressway was changed to a public park. There are several cafes in the top 1km high here. These cafes use & # 39; Toegyero 33 & # 39; as the street name address.

  The Seoul Park Highway Public Park & ​​Seoul Road 7017 & # 39; opened on May 20th. The active shops here use the address

The Seoul Park Highway Public Park 'Seoul Road 7017 & # 39; opened on May 20th. The active shops here use the address "Toegyero" which is the dirt road. The Ministry of Public Administration and Security will also give addresses to overpbades. [중앙포토]

Although the cafes received different detailed addresses for each store, they were confused when they received mail and courier service because they used "Toegyero", a road earthen.

To solve this problem, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security began to revise the related laws. The Ministry of Construction and Transport announced on 8 August that it would announce a legislative proposal from 9 to 17 August and collect public opinions.

According to the amendment of the law, it is now possible to give a road name to a road such as 7017, an underground alley such as 7017, and a pbadageway inside a building of large,

  Street names and roads have been expanded under the Highway Name Act's Revision of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. [사진 행안부]

Street names and roads were expanded under the revision of the Road Name Act of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. [사진 행안부]

The revision of the bill aims to promote the "upgrade of the addressing system" by improving the 2D planar addressing system of roads and buildings on the surface.

In order to support the operation of self-driving cars and drone courier services, which are basic industries of the 4th industry, object addresses are given at entrances to car parks and mail delivery addresses. UAVs. It is a method of expressing the location of things and places such as facilities and not concrete buildings.

Shared water rehabilitation areas, such as the Saemangeum (Jeonbuk) construction site and residential subdivisions, will receive the necessary addresses even before the decision of the administrative districts.

  Street names and roads were expanded under the revision of the Road Name Act of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. [사진 행정안전부]

Street names and roads were expanded under the revision of the Road Name Act of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. [사진 행정안전부]

These sites do not receive an address until the end of construction, so they can not enter their address on the business card of employees working on the site. When receiving documents by courier, etc., the address could not be delivered and the inconvenience was not minimal, as the display of the Location on the map, and then send to the photo.

In the future, even if the administrative district has not been decided, the tenant can request an address to the superior agency (Ministry of Public Administration and Security , city, province). Business districts can request the name of the road as soon as road plans are decided and announced.

As part of the review of the law, the Ministry of the Environment also provided legal grounds for responding quickly and accurately in case of safety accident.

  Name of the road and big name of the standard numbering. Depending on the width of the road, it should be divided into roads (more than 40m or 8th road), roads (12 ~ 40m, 2 ~ 7 roads) [사진 행정안전부]

Road name and big name of the standard numbering. Depending on the width of the road, it should be divided into roads (more than 40m or 8th road), roads (12 ~ 40m, 2 ~ 7 roads) [사진 행정안전부]

First, we will give addresses to cross the roads. lifts, shelters, buses and taxis that many people use. At present, the position displayed on the map is different from the actual position of the elevator, and confusion occurs at the time of shipping and shipping.

Roadside facilities without buildings (traffic lights, roads, telegraph poles, etc.) were indicated using the name of the road and the number of the base. The ministry explained that it is possible to unify the different ways to attract people by municipalities and public institutions.

In order to help people confused with the concept of address (address of street name, address of lot number), the Ministry of the Environment changed the "law on the l & # 39; 39 Street address "in" address law ".

  The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has revised the law on the address of street names and has authorized the naming of streets to corridors located at the street. interior of large buildings such as underground shopping malls. The photo is the Yeongdeungpo Rotary Underground shopping center in Seoul. [연합뉴스]

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has revised the law on the address of the name of the road, allowing to badign the name of the road to the internal pbadage of the road. a large building such as an underground shopping center. The photo is the Yeongdeungpo Rotary Underground shopping center in Seoul. Kim Bu-gum, Minister of Public Administration and Security, said: "As the name of the road is given to roads and underground roads and large-scale complex buildings, citizens and businesses will be able to easily use street addresses. Please, give us your opinion. "

Shin, reporter Jin-ho [email protected]

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