1 [Monde étrange] Charity Calendar, Kerr … Dae Seon Bae All Around "Good Morning": International Journal


MBC & # 39; Masked Wang & # 39; on the 8th issue The third leg of the first round was the confrontation between "Cancer" and "The" and & # 39; Solar system & # 39;

(Photo = MBC Broadcast Screen Capture "Masked Wang")

They called together "Love With You" from FTISLAND (19459002)

"Cancer" showed a fresh singing voice with a powerful voice

The & # 39; solar system & # 39;

The two men had a perfect harmony of "love bloom". with a powerful chord.

Kim Hyun-chul said, "Cancer" seems to be the owner of a fake song. I sing with a different attitude. "[19659004] Yoo Young-seok said, "Is Cancer" Powerful?

Kim Gulra predicted: "The Solar System & # 39; 39; seems to be the actor Lim Hyung-joon, "he said.

" The hand of the "solar system" is getting lighter. I sing while moving.

Kim Gulra said, "Kim Sung-ju makes a lot of mistakes in the middle." Kim Sung-ju has refrained from exoticism. "

Yu Jung said," I think that 'Cancer' is part of a group of long-haired girls, like musicians and tyra. "

'Cancer & # 39; showed the bloody dance of the tears of the dancers in the boy-boy band in the individual confrontation

'Solar System' thumb and back of hand touching wrist,

The "solar system" was followed by Kim Jong-jong, describing the pace of the march, and laughing a lot

The third confrontation ended by the victory of & # 39; Cancer & # 39; & # 39; Cancer & # 39; won 62nd in 37th place and advanced in the second round. The "solar system" called Panic's "left-handed" and revealed his identity.

& # 39; Solar System & # 39; was a song, and all the panels were rising and amusing together.

The identity of the & # 39; solar system & # 39; was an evangelist comedian who laughed. In fact, Lee Ji-jin, who also released the music, has shown his talent as a high-clbad singer.

Kyeong-mi Kwon, journalist [email protected]

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