Second meeting of employees of Asiana … Representative of the partner company & # 39; Oh Yeol & # 39;


[Séoul-Nouvelle-Mer] Nambu Nara reporter = Asiana Airlines No meals On the eighth day of the week, the staff gathered to urge the chairman of the Kumho Asiana group to resign. Asiana Airlines employees gathered for the second time in six days.

& # 39; Let's not be quiet! The Asiana Employee Solidarity and the Korean Public Transport Union Asiana Airlines held a ceremony to request the change of management and standardization of meals in front of the Sejong Cultural Center at 18:30 in Jongno-gu.

Asiana Airlines employees as well as 10 Korean Air employees and about 300 people attended the rally.

Employees were masked to reveal their identities, shouting, "Did not management just know it was a predictable disaster?" "Make $ 160 billion, restore the restaurant business" , Park Sam –

A family member of A (57), a supplier of temporary meal meal suppliers, who committed suicide, also attended the ceremony. Mr. A made an extreme decision on the last day after hearing the burden of suffering when the situation did not deteriorate.

His nephew says, "My uncle is dead and his family has a great birthday," he said. "My aunt told me that he could not go home quickly and his son, Cousin," The staff at the funeral cried, "I'm sorry I can not do it harder. "

He stressed," All causes must be revealed, why such brilliant and brilliant people so extreme. "
About 10 staff members of the Korean Air Staff, including Park Chang-jin, were also present.

Park, the former general manager, shouted: "Cheyang Yang (chairman of the Hanjin Group) will resign and Park Sam-gu will resign."

A member of the cabin crew told the reporter: "The situation has normalized, but the choice of long-distance wheat (food choice) has been reduced from two to three," La direction without any countermeasure or alternative must take responsibility for the situation, do not use it as a bullet in front of employees, "he said.
Asiana signed a short-term contract with Sharp D & Co, a catering company, for a period of three months after a fire broke out in a Giggo Korea (GGK) factory, supplier of meals in flight.

At the Following a contract with Sharp D & Co, a small company that produces 3000 meals a day, there was a meal crisis in flight asiana has the greatest daily demand for 30,000 meals a day. [19659002ItwbaduspectedthatthegroupwaspressuringLSGSkyChefKoreaatraditionalmealserviceprovidertoattractinvest160billionwoninordertoexpandthegroup'smanagementrights

President Park held a press conference on April 4, the third day after the incident, but said that he was "unable to cooperate with Korean Air".

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