Kevin me to change the equipment and take the road, win the PGA Tour in seven years


  Kevin My starting shot. After recently changing drivers, the streets grew rapidly. [Rob Carr/AFP=연합뉴스]

Kevin My tee shot. After recently changing drivers, the streets grew rapidly. [Rob Carr/AFP=연합뉴스]

Kevin Na (35. Korean name Na Sang-wook) won the PGA Tour in seven years.
Kevin I finished 6 under par 64 in the final Green Breeze Clbadic Roundup on the Old White TPC at White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia, United States, on September 9th.

Kevin, who started the game with a lead in the lead, took the lead in the first half, including five birdies in the first half.

Kevin, who debuted at the PGA Tour tour in 19 years in 2004, won the opening of the Schlärnor Children's Hospital in 2011 for the first time in seven years and has again won his second title in seven years.

Kevin, I am different. He was a typical player in a short game. The distance of the driver behind the average was recovered as the best short-range game of the round. It was a player who was stuck in the round so that he pbaded the cut as a habit and took the top 10 with a shot.

I heard a lot of players because I put the putt very carefully. At the end of May of this year, the short match was second, and the shooting distance was 188th.

But in this tournament, Kevin looked like another player. Kevin's shots in the 415-yard 16th hole that went left along the lake were Carly Street at 285 yards. Previously, Kevin's average driving distance was 285 yards, but the distance he traveled was only 285 yards.

  Kevin prides himself on the best short game on the tour. In the past 10 seasons, he has won first, second and fourth places in shorts around the green. [AP/Steve Helber]

Kevin prides himself on the best short game on the tour. In the past 10 seasons, he has won first, second and fourth places in shorts around the green. [AP/Steve Helber]

It's a huge difference. The PGA Tour has a lot of work because it makes the fairway very difficult. Kevin My tee shot included 329 yards, including the race. The remaining distance to the spit was only 93 yards. Kevin I easily caught Buddy.

In this hole, Kevin's starting speed was 172 miles, the top 50 on the PGA Tour. Kevin's average shot was 323 yards. In a few months, there has been a change of opinion. Kevin participated in the Korea Open last month and said: "I tested a club a while ago and I tried to use the driver 's. another player, I lost hundreds of millions of won.The distance has increased about 20 meters and my confidence has increased.I have played twice in the 6th and 4th places of the competition .

Kevin I won the tournament, which was bad in the following June and July games. The dream of winning a major tournament is also likely to be achieved.

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