The staff of the National University of Pusan ​​donates 2.5 billion won to the … Retention




An accountant from the National University who kidnapped about 2.5 billion won from state-backed research funds was arrested.

On May 9, the Geumjeong Police Station in Busan announced that it arrested a staff member A (37 years old) from the academy of the National University of Pusan ​​and the 39, university cooperation team suspected of corruption,

According to the police, Mr. A bought his research materials from 2014 and paid 281 times for a total of 281 times He is accused of having won 70 million won.

In addition, Mr. A is suspected of having embezzled 510 million won commissioners on 28 occasions by altering the date and amount of the transaction details, the map slip, Receiving [19659002AsaresultofthepoliceinvestigationMrAdisclosedthattheamountoftheexcludedresearchfundwasusefulforprivatepurposes

A police officer who initiated an investigation into a complaint filed by the Collaboration Foundation of the National University of Pusan ​​Industry & Academy badyzed a bank account for research funding, revealed misappropriation of funds and surprised A.

Police investigate 50-year-old professor suspected of embezzlement with MA

Lee Ji-young Lee [email protected]

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