"Son of the Chamber" on the list … Chosun Ilbo, did the last exercise of Zhang's natural inquiry extermination?


KBS suspected that Chosun Ilbo could have exerted pressure on the police investigation into the incident in the past.

In October 2008, Jang Nawal was drinking with his son, Bang Sang-hoon, president of Chosun Ilbo, and got a statement from a Chosun Ilbo official that the Chosun Ilbo was trying to exercise pressure on the police investigation after the death of Chang-

In his article written by hand in 2009, Zhang Naturally revealed that "his representative of the agency made a drink with his son, Chosun Ilbo, and made him drink in a living room. "

According to recent media reports, Dr. Bhang, who is the son of Chosun Ilbo's president, Bang Sang-hoon, and a senior editor of Chosun Ilbo's reporter attended the party.

However, the police who investigated the case after the death of the natural man in 2009, said that there is no charge for Mr. Banyan, . This is because the police accepted the fact that Mr. Bhang said that he had declared that he was going to drink but that he did not know who he was.

However, it is possible that Jang and Bae have been in contact with each other because of the fact that the investigation team from the back-to-great-great-great-backs -back-back-to-back
  Image According to KBS, a large investigation team has obtained a statement from a Chosun Ilbo official that "Mr. Bhun and Mr. Chang have made several calls at the time ". In addition, the investigation team said: "We learned from Chosun Ilbo that the company was suffering from the investigation of the call history of the police investigation file" and that the suspicion that Chosun Ilbo was exerting pressure on the police investigation was also raised.

According to media reports today, the road director of Zhang Naturally Kim said that the chairman of Bang Sang-hoon, who was in charge of the investigation in 2011, Lee Jong-gul has badisted as a witness in the defamation case of Democratic MP Lee Jong-gul. "Kim took one or two bottles of alcohol in the room on the chairman's commission, and there were two men and women, including Mr. Bang," Kim Jong-seung (chief representative of Jang Nature Company ) spoke to someone in the car and said: "I have a place to meet with President Chosun Ilbo." $ (Document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo ([‘PL0001′,’PL0002’][(19659010)] $ (window) .load (function () ". Sed_article iframe") Width () == 544) {1} && $ (". Sed_article iframe"). Attr ("src"). IndexOf $ (document) .ready (function () ());} catch (e) {}}); i [r] = i [r] = i [r] || function () {(i [r] .q = i (19459014) .q []) .Push (arguments)}, I [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName (o) (Window, Document, & quot; Script & # 39; // www.google-badytics.com/badytics.js); ga ("set", "dimension1"); ga ("set", "dimension4", "newsArticle" Ga ("set", "dimension2", & # 39; 39; N1; ga (& # 39;; & # 39;; & gt;; & gt; 3; & gt; & nbsp; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & Displayfeatures 'link', 'linkid.js'; ga ('send', 'pageview'); t catch (e) {} () {} {} {} {}
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