Small business owners "refuse to pay the minimum wage if they do not apply to small businesses"


[Sejong = Newsweek] Journalist Jae-hee Lim urged small businesses to introduce "differentiation of companies with fewer than 5 employees", as opposing unions failed to reach the minimum wage before the decision of the company. 39 next year. I came out.

The Federation of Small Business Associations held a press conference in front of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Sejong government before the 10th meeting of the Committee on the Minimum Wage on October 10. "He said.

Six other economic organizations, including the Korea Federation of Trade and Industry, the Korea Korea Trade Association, the Korea International Trade Association, and the Korea Federation of Small Business, said:" If the minimum wage is further increased, "

The Federation of Small Business Associations stated:" The minimum wage differential system should be implemented for all small business owners who have fewer than five small businesses, [19659002] In addition, it provides for the recruitment of small businesses in the process of determining the minimum wage, and from next year, 50% of the members of the Committee of users of the minimum wage committee will be entrusted to small business owners

They said: "The Small Business Association and the Ministries of the People's Republic of Korea" In order to negotiate a minimum reasonable and realistic, it is necessary to guarantee the recommendation of the members of the committee of users and the abstention of dissent within the committee of the Small Business Association. "

The minimum wage committee includes a total of 27 members, including nine members of the public interest, nine workers and nine user members.

The position of the Federation of Small Businesses is transferred to the minimum wage committee through two vice-presidents who are members of the Users Committee

Association of the Small Business Federation "If the committee of the minimum wage does not respect the legitimate demands of small business owners, we consider the current minimum wage committee as an "inclined playground" where the voice of a small business is ignored. (19659002) limj @ newsis .com

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