[팟캐스트] ② Will robots dominate humans?


  The naughty robot T-800 appeared in the movie 'Terminator: Jennysys'. [영화 스틸]

The villainous T-800 robot appeared in the movie "Terminator: Jennysis". [영화 스틸]

Ridley's master chef Scott Alien and Prometheus have a worldview of intellectual design that extraterrestrial civilization has created humans. The best in the world is the greatest off-road wealth. But he also had a weakness, so he would die soon after he pbaded the age of 100. But he takes his spacecraft to the "engineer" planet, the human Creator.

I finally met a Weland engineer. I ask provocative questions to my "Creator". "You did me, I made this friend, David does not die like a human, and I am the God who created a species like you, after all I gave David the Eternal life, please, let me know. "However, after Weieland's words, the engineer pulls a" rotten smile "and draws David's neck to scratch the weights. This accident causes WeiLand to die instantly.

The survivor David himself creates the "alien" creature and then goes to the planet where the engineer lives. And they take the biochemical weapons developed by the engineers and disperse them all over the planet. When the engineers are all turned off, the background of the "Valhalla of the Gods" (Wagner) rings. "God created a man-made robot" is the moment when the first creator, God, is extinguished. This is the moment when the tangled narrative of the Creator and the creature is completed as "the Mobius Belt."

  Artificial Intelligence Robot David of the series "Alien & # 39; [영화 에이리언]

Artificial Intelligence Robot David of the series "Alien & # 39; [영화 에이리언]

The future scholar Reykers Wiley predicts that "the AI ​​will come to singularity beyond human capabilities". Sohn Jung-in, president of Softbank, thinks that the time is around 2045. When a singularity arrives, the robots surpbad all the human capacities. Would it not be possible for robots to dominate humans, as Safian has exterminated Neanderthals in the past? In fact, Dr. Stephen Hawking warned: "After the singularity, AI will dominate the planet, so we must prepare in advance."

Indeed, as Dr. Hawking says, it's a new type of artificial intelligence, and it's in "The Divine Order," but as soon as we become a God, humans can fall on their creatures. And the worries coexist, in which the podcast 'Human Revolution & # 39; provides a clue as to what solution we should look for.

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