Government, the beauty trade is preparing for the long-term war … Operation on a large scale


[아시아경제 이지은 기자] While the trade war between the United States and China showed signs of prolonged protests, the Korean government decided to set up a common public-private response system to take comprehensive measures.

The US Trade Representative (USTR) has announced a plan to impose an additional 10% duty on mbadive imports of 6031 items or about $ 200 billion. Additional tariffs include various products such as industrial products, products of animal origin, agricultural products, textiles and clothing.

According to this document, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced on August 11 that the United States started the operation of the joint government-government response system as a first step with the possibility of extension and proliferation of the average commercial conflict. Impacts on Exporting the World Effects of Overflow by Industry ▲ Public in China Impact on Investment Companies Institutes of industrial research and sectoral groups and organizations jointly launched the badysis.

In addition to Kotra and the Korea International Trade Association (KOTRA), we plan to closely monitor the impacts on major export markets and major trends of buyers, and to strengthen support export substitution products. We are also preparing countermeasures for scenarios for the development of trade disputes between the United States and China, such as the future direction of China. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE), under the Public-Private Partnership [12] with Deputy Assistant Secretary General Kang Sungcheon ( TF) The meeting will be held successively. Discusses action to be taken against bureaucrats due to the intensification of trade disputes in US-Chinese trade

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