Kim Kwan Young "The political intervention of the governor leads to the current government … asks audience" –


Entry 2018.07.12 10:04

Kim Kwan-yeong, the leader of the presidential election photo > said on December 12, "the political intervention of the governor continued to the current government" and "Kim

attended the meeting in the morning morning and said: "Until last March, a gangsae member residing in the police station collected information about the protest and reported to the gangbang" He should to be explained to the public so that they can understand why they did not understand Kim Jong Il's political intervention. "In addition, Song added," Even after receiving reports on the law martial, the Minister took no action for four months. "

He added:" We have set up an independent team to resolve the suspicions related to the mission, "Since the Minister of Defense national, including the former defense minister, became a civilian throughout the country, he should also be able to investigate those who have become civilians as well as the military. "

Kim expressed support for the government's policy of denuclearization, saying: "Cheong Wa Dae is the only country in the world,

He said:" The last 10 days, the sudden and sudden decline in nuclear power plant, will be the most important thing to do to destroy the construction area of ​​the nuclear power plant. "If we are already bombarded with nuclear power plants already under construction, which companies will invest in the medium and long term," he said. "The energy policy should be based on a review of Korea's economic situation, medium- and long-term manufacturing and industrial policy, not one or two years," he said.

On the trend of employment in June, Kim said: "The increase in the number of people employed for the fifth consecutive month has reached 100,000 people, and the shock of employment has become chronic, "said Kim. He said:

He said, "Employment is a market-driven market, and the economy is in a recession," he said. be encouraged by the growth of businesses and the self-employed. "The policy of increasing household disposable income over a short period through wage increases is only possible for those with secure employment. total is reduced. "" It's not enough to do a job with the government's finances, "he said," we now need to revisit the direction of income-oriented economic policies. "

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