[종합] 'The Urban Fisherman & # 39; Lee Kyung-gyu, the first nipper "This is not with Ulleungdo!" Tantalizing


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[OSEN=조경이 기자] Lee Kyung – gyu experimented for the first time in the history of urban fishing.

On the 12th chain, a "City Fisherman" (hereinafter "City Fisherman") believes that only the fishermen of the city who fish in the background of Ulleungdo Island, have the mystery and the natural beauty of nature.

Lee Tae-gon appeared as a guest that day. Lee Tae-gon, who appeared in a fisherman of the city in nine months. Lee Kyung-gyu, "You can not tell us," started a nervous battle.

Ulleungdo: the war of the hosts & # 39; The fishing of Ulleungdo began seriously.

C & # 39; was the first fishing line on Itaegon. Lee Tae-gon "I'm going to work" showed confidence. But the line was broken. Lee Kyung-gyu "Oh, I'm happy," he smiled quickly.

Lee Kyung-gyu's checks continued. "Taegon Oh, you seem to have lost a lot of shape."

Micoudad caught a big fly-fisher – it was a 4-hour harvest on a boat.

Lee Kyung-gyu was having a hard time getting return to the mouth

Park Pro caught the ultra-vertebrae.

It's been a long time.The team liked "Park Pro." Park Pro "Drones! I kept the badge! "It was 63cm.

Lee Tae-gon quietly took the position of Park Pro and laughed .He occupied the spot of the spot with confusion.When Madat pointed out, Lee smiled, "No, try to throw it."

Lee Kyung-gyu had never been bitten. "Ah ah ah!" He shouted.

After lunch, l & # Afternoon, the fishing began, and he said, "I will give up my coolness." "There is no stress-free program, Shin Dong-yeop is the urge The most.

It was Lee's fishing line .It was like a monster.It's a heavy weight to handle with one hand.He said: "J & # 39; Have two hands. "But this was not a sea fish.

Lee Kyung-gyu said," I want everything defensive. "" Tae-gon, the form rose a little, "greeted.

Lee Dok-hwa came to the mouth.The" Nojunmu "members were happy.Park Pro also looked like a" bream ". was Bush

Nailing is nil. "It's too small too." The production team told Lee Kyung-gyu: "It looks like you did not catch it when you come to Lee." Lee Kyung-gyu has says: "This is not Lee."

Lee Kyung-gyu said, "I would like to know if you can see why I'm doing this, I will go crazy, I continue without eating six hours until now.

End of the fishery. In the end, Lee Kyung-gyu nails. Lee Kyung-gyu said: "It's the first time that a fisherman from the city has died.

After dinner, the production team said that they would win the insignia of the day tomorrow.The fishermen of the city applauded, and all were ready to fish the next day /[email protected]

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