The first time after the controversy, "I did not think I could skate"


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Kim Boom, who was admitted to the hospital because of the controversy over intimidation at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, opened for the first time after Controversy.

Kim Joo-rum, who appeared on Channel A 'People LIVE & # 39; On the 13th, said: "I was hospitalized for post-traumatic stress disorder." We continue treatment for outpatient treatment, "and said," We are preparing to start a new exercise by starting a new one. objective. "

In May, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism concluded that" it is not true that a certain athlete deliberately accelerated or slowed down to the last wheel. "

Kim Jung-mo, who is related to this, said," I think a lot of misunderstandings have been solved.Although it takes a lot of time, I'd like to overtake it ", a- he said. It was so difficult at the time, I could not skate anymore. I was afraid to go to the ice rink itself. "

Kim Jummum won a silver medal in a national critical start race and then made some stories." I won the medal for the first time at the Olympics, but I did not feel happy, "explained Kim." I was so sorry. "

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He also said, "My mother did not help me much and I think she was very tough. I was very relieved to take care of myself, but I am really sorry if I think about it now. "

Kim Jum-mum, back in skating, said:" It's not a dream for every athlete to win a gold medal at the Olympics. I'm going to prepare for such dream. "

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