I found the origin of extraterrestrial neutrinos – Sciencetimes


A team of international ice cube scientists (icecube), with 300 participants from 12 countries, has found the first evidence for a high energy neutrino source

This cosmic neutrino is the most environmentally friendly Extreme Universe

Observations made at Amundsen-Scott's Antarctic Glacier Neutron Observatory have shown that the surface of the Earth can be divided into three parts: It has been identified in telescopes and space telescopes surrounding Earth's orbit, and will help solve the age-old mystery of the origin of subatomic particles such as neutrinos and cosmic rays from space .

Since particles of high-energy cosmic rays were discovered about 100 years ago,

  from a bladder near Orion, 4 billion light-years away, to a planet, like a neutrino, to a spacecraft. </p>
<div id=  The question of where do these particles come from? I understood that it was flowing. Credit: IceCube Collaboration / NSF

He visualized how neutrinos and other spaceships poured into the bladder land near Orion, 4 billion light-years away.

Since cosmic rays are charged particles, a powerful electromagnetic field that fills the outer space will deform the flight path and lead directly to the path. Can not be traced.

Since neutrinos have little or no mbad interaction with other materials, neutrinos do not interact with other materials and have very little mbad It is nicknamed " ghost particle ". For this reason, neutrinos can travel almost unhindered after being released from the accelerator, allowing scientists to trace neutrinos and trace their origin, the accelerator.

Science Journal Science Two articles presented the first evidence that a bladder [blazar; 상대적 분출력(제트)을 가진 활동성 은하의 핵] is already known where the origin of high energy neutrinos was detected at the ice cube observatory supported by the National Science Foundation. Video 1] [ Video 2]

This blaster named TXS 0506 + 056 was published at the Ice Cube Observatory on September 22,

Francis Halzen, Senior Scientist at the Glacier Neutrino Meteorological Observatory, said that the observations of the first source of high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays,

  Illustration drawn from the current appearance of the Antarctic Ice Institute. Neutrinos flying at a distance are detected by an ice detector called DOM under ice. CREDIT: Icecube / NSF

An illustration from the actual appearance of the Antarctic ice laboratory. Neutrinos flying at a distance are detected by an ice detector called DOM under ice. CREDIT: Icecube / NSF

France Córdova Director of the USSR, "Now the cosmic era multi-messengers has come". "Each messenger of electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves and neutrinos now offers a more complete understanding of the universe and an important new insight into the most powerful objects and events in the sky. through long-term contracts for basic research and investment in the best research facilities. "

Blåja has a large black hole rapidly rotating in the center with a giant elliptical galaxy. The striking feature of the blasters is that there are two jets that emit light and base particles, one of which is directed to the Earth and the jets are emitted to the pole along the l & # 39; rotation axis of the black hole.

It is located just outside the left shoulder of the Orion Constellation and is about 4 billion light-years away from Earth.

  The imagination of a blader, a galaxy with a rotating black hole in its center. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / JPL

The imagination of a blader, a galaxy with a rotating black hole in the center.

The Ice Cube observatory issued an alert when a high-energy neutrino collided with an atomic nucleus in the Antarctic ice in or near the detector. (19659002) NASA's Fermi Gamma Ray Gamma Spectrum Telescope and Canary Imaging in the Canary Islands Cherenkov Telescope (19659002) NASA's Fermi Gamma Space Telescope and Magica Canary Imaging Telescope (MAGIC) detected High energy gamma ray eruptions badociated with TXS 0506 + 056, and these observations merged into the blaster as the most likely source of origin.

Fermi was found at 0.06 degree in the direction of the ice cube neutrino We first identified the improved gamma ray activity of TXS 0506 + 056. It was the flare the most powerful Fermi with the most energetic photons in the gamma ray more than a decade after having observed the bladder. Subsequent observations through MAGIC detected gamma rays with higher energies.

These observations demonstrate that TXS 0506 + 056 is one of the brightest sources of known cosmology,

  The bladder TXS 0506 + 056 near the site of Orion, that the # 39; it is believed to be the site of neutrino emission detected this time, supports multi-instant observation of a space engine powerful enough to accelerate cosmic rays and generate the relevant neutrinos. Place. Credit: IceCube Collaboration / NSF

Location of the TXS Blasters 0506 + 056 near the Orion site, which would be the site where the neutrinos were detected. Credit: IceCube Collaboration / NSF

Only one of the millions of neutrinos that sailed through the ice of Antarctica was detected by Ice Cube on September 22, 2009.

These observations are based on optical telescopes , radio, x-ray Reliability is improved by matching data measured by multiple devices, including "The ability to bademble telescopes around the world using multiple wavelengths in cooperation with Neutrino detectors such as Ice Cube is a milestone in multi-Messenger astronomy, "said Professor Hågen. "

Darren Grant, professor of physics at the University of Alberta in Canada, said," These exciting results also praised the Ice Cube Collaboration for the " culmination of thousands of years of intense human activity in realizing the dream of neutrino astronomy.

Spaceship, 100 million times more energy than the particles of the world. Earth's accelerator

The Austrian physicist Victor Hess proved in 1912 that ionized particles detected in the atmosphere come from space There is one.Cosmic rays are particles with the higher energy observed, with an energy one hundred times greater than that of a particle generated by the large reader of the CERN Swiss call Hadon, the most powerful human particle accelerator.

The cosmic ray at high energy can only be done outside of our galaxy, and its origin has remained a mystery to this day. Scientists have speculated that the most violent objects in the universe – such as supernova remnants, galaxies and colliding blasters – are the sources of high energy black holes in galaxies known as nuclei of active galaxies. Animation showing the interaction of molecules. All the colored circles represent the light collected by a center of ice cubes. Gradual changes in color from red to green / blue indicate the order of time. CREDIT video capture: IceCube Collaboration / NSF "src =" http://www.sciencetimes.co.kr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ 중성미자 3.jpg "width =" 480 "height =" 359 "/ >

Animation showing the interaction of neutrinos and ice molecules All the colored circles represent the light collected by a center of ice cubes The gradual changes of color from red to green / blue indicate the order Regina Caputo, Ph.D., badyst coordinator for Fermi's broadband telescope collaboration, said, "Fermi has been monitoring approximately 2,000 blasters over the last 10 years to identify the origin of blasters in the world. as neutrinos. "High-energy gamma rays can be generated by accelerated electrons or protons, and neutrino observations, a feature of proton interactions, are the first conclusive evidence that protons are accelerated by black holes."

"Now we have identified a spacecraft source that produces space neutrinos, "he said," neutrinos are a byproduct of pion collapse and need a proton accelerator for to manufacture it. "


Most spacecraft are protons, and they are produced The place flies like a particle accelerator on the Earth, so it flies quickly across the planet. 39; universe.

Razmik Mirzoyan, spokesman for the MAGIC collaboration, "The emission of neutrinos is theoretically accompanied by a gamma ray emission," he said. However, there are still many questions about how blades accelerate particles with such energy. "Gamma rays provide information on how power plants operate in super-big black holes."

Neutrino, a messenger of the latest information on cosmic physics, provides important new information. In particular, neutrino measurements can demonstrate mechanisms for accelerating proton particles in higher density environments where even high energy gamma rays can not escape.

  Illustration of the collision of neutrinos and water molecules in the Antarctic ice. Video Credits: NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center Images: Axel Mellinger, Central Michigan University NASA / DOE / Fermi LAT Collaboration

Illustration of the collision of water molecules with neutrinos crossing the ice in the 39 ;Antarctic. Video Credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Images: Axel Mellinger, Central Michigan University NASA / DOE / Fermi LAT Collaboration

The Ice Cube team quickly searched the neutrino search on September 22, discovered over twelve cosmic neutrino flavors discovered at the beginning, which were emitted by the same TXS 0506 + 056.

This independent observation greatly improved the detection of the only high energy neutrino as previously described, while TXS 0506 + 056

Ice cubes detect neutrinos every minute

To detect the most energetic neutrinos, a mbadive particle detector is needed to detect the most energetic neutrinos. And the ice cubes are the biggest in the world. The detector, surrounded by one kilometer of deep and clean ice a meter below the surface of the Antarctic, is composed of more than 5,000 photosensors arranged in grid.

When a neutrino interacts with the atomic ice nucleus, it creates a second charged particle that again creates a conical blue light. This is detected by the ice cube and mapped through the photomultiplier grid of the detector.

  A photo illustrating how spacecraft are constantly descending to Earth because they can identify the direction of neutrinos in charged particles and the light generated by neutrinos. Video Credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Images: Axel Mellinger, Central Michigan University NASA / DOE / Fermi LAT Collaboration

An image of spacecraft flowing constantly on Earth. Video Credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Images: Axel Mellinger, Central Michigan University NASA / DOE / Fermi LAT Collaboration

Ice Cube continuously monitors the northern hemisphere's skies, including the pbadage of neutrinos, and detects neutrinos every minute. However, most of the neutrinos detected are low energy neutrinos created by common phenomena such as subatomic particle showers derived from airborne nuclei and collisions of cosmic ray particles in the Earth 's atmosphere.

Particularly interesting particles for the Ice Cube team They have. The neutrinos that alerted the world 's telescopes had an energy of about 300TeV (proton energy circulating in the 26.7 km ring of the large CERN Hadon caller in CERN). Switzerland is 6.5TeV.)

The ice cube is a high energy neutrino It is specially designed to identify and track. In 2013, a collaborative research project was launched for the first detection of neutrinos from outside the galaxy, and then a number of basic measurements were made in the new field of neutron cosmology.

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