Finding new employees in Chungbu, Chungcheongnam-do


[KNS뉴스통신=김관일 기자] The 63 new employees of KOMIPO (CEO, Park Hyung-koo) announced that they went to Chungnam Chungnam Province in order to realize the social value of the company's first year on the 13th. March.

New recruits and residents actively participate in recreational activities and actively participate in recreational activities, such as recreational activities.

In addition, by purchasing the snacks and necessities of residents through an Onnuri gift certificate gift, it is possible to take advantage of the first places as the traditional activation of the market.

In this activity, it is expected that the middle part I would like to congratulate the new employees "I warmly congratulate new employees to have crossed the difficult doors and, as a member of the public energy company, I want to become a central family that will lead the generation of social value and national responsibility. "

Meanwhile, new KOMIPO employees completed two weeks of joint education, including social contribution activities, and graduated from one to five weeks in order to be able to adapt as as a member of the energy company.

The chairman of KOMIPO Park Hyung-koo (in the front row) and the new employees announce the vigorous start by delivering Onnuri gift certificates to the traditional market of Chungcheongnam-do. <사진=중부발전>

Kim Gwan He reporter [email protected]

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