Declaration of abandonment of the promise of 10,000 won minimum wage …


[Seoul = Newsweek] Gangseo Hoon reporter Moon Jae-in said on Dec. 16 that "The minimum wage committee's decision made it virtually impossible to reach the 10,000 won minimum wage by 2020. ". He declared the abandonment of "10,000 won" in 2020, which was a promise of the presidential election, and formulated the control of the minimum wage increase rate.

Moon said, "I apologize for not being able to hold the election pledge accordingly."

On the 14th,

In relation to this, Mr. Moon said: "The minimum wage for our economy depends on the internal and external conditions of our economy, the employment situation and the size of the economy. of the economy. He said: "We made a difficult decision by taking into account the reality of stakeholders such as the plight of self-employed and small business owners and gathering diverse opinions." We respect the decision on the minimum wage. "

President Moon Jae-in pledged his promise of" minimum wage of 10,000 won in 2020 "as a key promise in the 2017 presidential election process. At the time, the president of the Yoo Seung-min party and Justice Ministry candidate Shim Sang-jong pledged a minimum wage of 10,000 won by 2020.

It is impossible to advocate a presidential promise It is difficult to avoid criticizing whether the possibility of discounting has been fully examined and whether it has been faithful to reduce the side effects by broadening the opinion on the implementation of the program. commitment

Moon planned to create a virtuous cycle of the economy by easing polarization by raising the minimum wage and increasing the incomes of low-income people.

Moon Jae-in, the government, so increased its 16.4%

To reach 10,000 wo In 2020, we must reduce the rate to 209 by 2020 The minimum wage should be increased by 19.7%, but this is unrealistic given the current economic situation.

In addition, Moon Jae-in has reached a double-digit minimum wage for the second year in a row, but it is unclear whether he will keep the minimum wage increase rate at about 10 percent. .

If the current rate is maintained, it will be possible to reach the minimum wage of 10,000 won in 2021, but if it is lowered to the annual level, it can not be guaranteed. C & # 39; is.

In addition, the nominal minimum wage in the labor market was raised by 10.9% this year, but the actual rate of increase was significantly lower due to the increase in the minimum wage .

The KCTU calculated the rate of increase of the real minimum wage of 9.8% (8665 won) due to the increase of the minimum wage.

According to the KCTU, workers who belong to the first to the third quartile of direct disadvantages due to the widening of the salary range, the rate of increase in the minimum wage next year n & n Is not 10.9%, but 2.4 "It is insufficient to achieve the fundamental objective of the minimum wage system, which is to stabilize the lives of low-wage workers."

The government pointed out that the minimum wage

President Moon said: "The government lobbied for jobs such as small and medium-sized businesses and small business owners to be harmed by the government. minimum wage increase, We will do our best to quickly take follow-up action such as fund protection, mall lease protection, reasonable card fees and merchant protection. "We will also place additional measures to increase the incomes of low-wage workers and low-income workers, such as a drastic increase in tax incentives for work incentives. "

However, some opposition parties do oppose blood pressure each time, and expect the work to be done in the future

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