The first crop of 'Yeoju New Rice & # 39;


[Yeoju = NewSea] Metropolitan Area Reporting Team = Gyoung-jae said that she showed Yeoju New Rice & # 39; which was harvested for the first time in the Yangjae branch of the Seoul Nonghyup Club on the 16th of this month.

The cultivar & # 39; Jindu & # 39; grown in Uman-dong, Yeoju City has a yield of about 1000kg, and it is grown as a contract. We managed the entire process of sowing, planting, harvesting and planting. It has been harvested for about 2 months from full production.

At the NAFF Hanaro Club Yangjae branch, 1 kg of Yeoju New Rice, packed in a Hanji-shaped package, will be sold for 16,800 won for a limited number of 100.

After the first expedition, "I think we can feel another taste of Yeoju rice, which is consumed by only 1% of the entire nation, produced in the only "special rice industrial zone". " We believe that the agricultural products of superior quality (19659006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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