"The Korean-Japanese Actress" by Cho Jae-hyun


  Actor Cho Jae Hyun. [연합뉴스]

Actor Cho Jae Hyun. [연합뉴스]

Youtube video of actress Jo Jae-hyun, who claims to have been raped by her actress, guesses wrong. He also announced a lawsuit against the spread of false information.

On July 16, Joo Jae-hyun's lawyer said: "Jo Jae-hyun filed a lawsuit against Korean-Japanese actress Kim Jong-J's made concrete statements about the relationship. "

Cho Jae-hyun said," I want my actress and my mom to be investigated as soon as possible .I am worried that they are saying to the press that fake facts and do not respond to the investigation. "

  Youtube videos guessing the actress of a Korean actress who claims to have been raped by the actor Cho Jae -hyun. [사진 유튜브]

Youtube videos guessing the actress of a Korean actress who claims to have been raped by the actor Cho Jae Hyun. [사진 유튜브]

"Although Cho Jae-hyun discovered Korean-Japanese actresses through the rural drama around 2000, Korean-Japanese actresses in Japan reported to the press that she was a sitcom in 2002 and the YouTube video "Who is an actress in Japan" "In addition, it is also different from the fact that" the main actress of bad man is the reason for retirement "."

Meanwhile, "Do not broadcast false information about social networking services (SNS) such as YouTube, or delete messages disguised as victims even if they have nothing to do with Cho Jae Hyun. We will respond legally to malicious comments that show facts or slanders. "

The old media reported that actress A, who was a Japanese actress in Japan, reported that she had been badually badaulted in Cho Jae Hyun's bathroom 16 years ago. Cho Jae – hyun refuted the related reports and sued the actor on the 22nd of last month over the suspicion of attempting to make public tunes and tunes.

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