'Roh Moo Hyun Brain & # 39; Kim Byung Jun returns to Korea as a loser


The Free Government of Korea announced Kim Byong Jun, Professor Emeritus of Kookmin Univ. Kim will be officially elected to the National Committee on Thursday.

  Professor Kim Byung-joon of Kookmin University interviews at Joongang Ilbo's headquarters in Seosong-mun, Seoul. Kang Jung-hyun

Kim Byung-joon, a professor at Kookmin University, interviews at Joongang Ilbo headquarters in Seosong-moon, Seoul, Kim Jong-hyun, a representative of the party, said, "I think that Kim is the right person because he's aware of the real reality and the intense self-innovation that we need now, "said Kim Tae- Change, Innovation and the Renewal Party Uri will begin. "

The appointment of Professor Kim as High President is an adventure for the Korean Party, accompanied by President Moon Jae-in, member of the Roh Moo-hyun administration. the tie with Roh Moo-hyun from 1994, when he established the Research Institute of Local Self-Government with his personal qualifications and, after joining Cheong Wa Dae, He served as a political guide, was chief of policy for Cheong Wa Dae and chairman of the policy planning committee, led decentralization and balanced national development, which was Roh's policy. Comprehensive and joint growth strategy are known as the works of Kim Byeong-joon.Because of this story, some Korean lawmakers have objected that "Kim Byung-joon is different from us."

But after finishing the Roh M government oo-hyun, he expanded contact with the conservative camp. From Gyeongbuk Goryeong, he continued to exchange greetings with TK. In November 2016, former Prime Minister Park Geun-hye was appointed prime minister in the dismissal center. At the time, criticism of the progressive camp on the acceptance of the Prime Minister's Office, "the nature of Roh Moo-hyun's spirit, that side is not to cut on the other side, worry about the country "Before the local elections of June 13, he was also nominated candidate for the post of mayor of Seoul in Korea.

He was a helping tutor, but he did not hesitate to talk a bit about "pro-notch hegemony". In a press interview in 2013, he said, "Chinook is focused on the past." "Now I have to cross Roh Moo-hyun. Professor Kim attended the symposium of the "New National Conservative Reform" held by the Korean government last January and declared that "hegemony is also a problem in the politics of our country". "If you take power, you try to manage it exclusively."

  Prior to the meeting of the National Assembly Task Force in 2003, participants such as President Roh Moo-hyun, Prime Minister Goh Kun and Kim Byung-joon saluted the national flag. [중앙포토]

Kim Byung-joon and other participants salute the flag [중앙포토]

Professor Kim strongly advocated conservative reforms. In an interview with Joongang Ilbo on October 30, Professor Kim said, "Democrats speak of values ​​such as human rights, the environment and peace, that they are achievable. or not, but what is the value of the Korean party? Is here. I lost the value of the security I had. "

With the appointment of Professor Kim, the Korean government seems to be moving quickly to the non-governmental system, and on November 17 the National Committee will sign Kim Byung-joon's candidate and end up appointing a non-member by 23 However, it is unclear whether Professor Kim will be the "dead lion" who wields all the power, that's because there's not a lot of conflict in the party with l & # 39; Authority and schedule of hypertrophic president Ahn Sang-soo, the chairman of the preparatory committee, said: "I do not think he will become an observer of the leadership (baduming at least one presidential election on the basis of an advance parliamentary convention), "he said.

Kim, Jun-young ㆍ Reporter, Sexual Support [email protected]

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