The public hearing of today on the hostess code … Public Introduction> Social> News


The audience of today on the code of stewardship of public hearings … Specific introduction plan

Entry 2018.07.17 (01:01)

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A public hearing to hear stakeholder views on the introduction of the National Pension Stewardship Code will be held at the Korea Finance Investment Association in Yeouido, Seoul, at 2:00 pm today. 17th (17th).

Ministry of Health and Welfare The Department of Health, Welfare and Public Affairs) will unveil the concrete introduction of the National Pension Management Code at this public hearing.

The code of the steward is used by a deacon responsible for housework in a large mansion (a board member of a large manor house) Steward) is the guideline that the Institutional investors should treat their clients and fiduciary deposits as their own money and handle them with the utmost care. The stewardship of the national pension is one of Moon Jae-in's commitments as a way to increase the yield of the huge badets exploited by the people.

The Ministry of Health has decided to exclude from the exercise of shareholder rights activities such as "participation in management", for example by recommending external candidates (auditors) through of a shareholder proposal. 19659004] In order to resolve the question of whether the impact of the national pension would be excessive by adopting the code of good management, we proposed to transfer the voting rights of the national pension to the portfolio management company responsible funds. The issue that seriously undermines shareholder value and corporate value, such as embezzlement of family members, embezzlement and corruption, is defined as a key management issue, requiring management of improvements.

If the problem is not resolved, the shareholders He opposed the appointment of the general manager or external director, who led the audit and the selection of these companies to "focus on management companies in the target audience.

On May 26, the Department of Health and Welfare opened a fund management committee, which is the ultimate settlement fund. He deliberated and decided on the introduction of the management code of the national pension plan. And will go into the implementation on a large scale.

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