12 new satellites found around Jupiter … `The Moon of Jupiter` 79 total


(Seoul-Yonhap News) Lee Joo-young, researcher in the United States, discovered 12 new satellites 1 to 3 km in diameter around Jupiter.

As a result, Jupiter's moon rose to 79.

The Carnegie Institution of America announced on November 17 that Dr. Scott Sheppard's team had 11 satellites in normal orbit around Jupiter since last spring , and a satellite with a complete orbital trajectory with other satellites Said.

<img src = "http://file.mk.co.kr/meet/2018/07/image_readtop_2018_451549_1531873372.jpg" border = "0" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" width = "500" alt = "Recently Discovered Jupiter Satellites Orbital Satellites" geek "Ballettoo (green orbit) moves farther than two transit satellites (blue orbit) Orbit of nine retrograde satellites (red orbit) Lt; / RTI & gt; [카네기연구소 제공=연합뉴스]

They have discovered these satellites observing the outer solar system to find a new planet supposed to be outside of Pluto.Shepard said: "Jupiter is close to the solar system we are exploring and we were able to spot those satellites around Jupiter.

Nine of the new satellites are retrograde satellites that go against the rotation of Jupiter outside the so-called Galilee moon, such as Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede.

It is estimated that these retrograde satellites with an orbital period of about two years have formed by collision of at least three asteroids, comets or moons in the past.

Two of the new satellites are roaming satellites that rotate in the direction of Jupiter's rotation from within these retrograde satellites, with the revolution period being less than a year.

<img src = "http://file.mk.co.kr/meet/2018/07/image_readmed_2018_451549_1531873389.jpg" border = "0" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" width = "298" alt = "The" geek "satellite ballet is a geeky satellite with an orbit completely different from other Jupiter moons discovered in the past between the yellow lines [카네기연구소 제공=연합뉴스]

The most eye-catching is the C & # 39; is a satellite discovered in May, a satellite called "geek" with an orbit completely different from other moons.

This satellite, believed to be the smallest of Jupiter's moon, was called Valetudo, the great-grandson of the Roman myth Jupiter.

The satellite is a transit satellite, but its orbital distance is further away from the satellites, and the tilt is also much larger and it has been found that it crosses the orbits of the outer retrograde satellites.

For this reason, researchers believe that the launch of ballet is likely to collide head-on with future retrograde satellites.

Dr. Shepard said, "It is unstable.

If a frontal collision occurs, these satellites will be destroyed in a flash and will become powder."

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