[전국] The controversial Kangwon Land Pro-Am game … Kim Byeong-joon and others An anchor Kim Byung-joon, chairman of the Korean National Emergency Management Committee, is investigating the case of a golf player who was greeted by Kangwon Land last year. If it is necessary, President Kim and Ham Sung-hee can also remember the president of Kangwon Land The report of reporter reports There are many social leaders such as politicians, businessmen, civil servants, lawyers, teachers, journalists, etc. Including the president of Kangwon Land, 36 groups, 2 groups each, were invited by 109 people.


The event, completely free, was an invitation to the internal event of Kangwon Land

On the total budget of 2.1 billion won, including the price of 800 million from wons, the cost of the internal event is 496 million won

Kangwon Land is a gourmet gift of golf, food and gift.

President Kim said that the president of Ham Sung-hee, the former president of Kangwon Land, said:

Moreover, he has been a long-time employee of Kangwon Land.

At the time, the police were investigating all invitations to the Pro-Am competition, either against the ban or against the law.

This is YTN [[email protected]].

The purpose of the internal investigation is not to determine whether this inquiry is being requested after inquiry, [ad_2]
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