Google will pay a fine of $ 5 billion in Europe


Google was fined $ 5 billion for violating the antitrust laws of the Android mobile operating system in Europe and fined 5.6 trillion won for l '. money in Korea.

The $ 5 billion penalty is a fine imposed by the EC on a single company, and the European Commission has fined Google $ 5 million for its illegal use of the Android operating system.

The EC has decided that Google is illegally using the Android system in order to consolidate the monopoly position of the Internet search service on the European market. Since May, Google has begun to investigate the antitrust practices of Google Android.

  Margrete Bestagher, EC member of the Executive Committee. (Photo = CNET)

Executive Committee of Margrete Bestagher. (Photo:

▲ Google search query and Chrome browser preloading in exchange for a Google commercial app license ▲ ban to sell devices running competitive operating system on Android, open source ▲ Google Search

Android currently accounts for 80% of the global mobile OS market.

Margrethe Vestagher, EC Antitrust Executive Commissioner, stated that Google uses Google Play as an app store. In return, we concluded that we had to pre-fill our services and applications such as search or Chrome.

At the same time, EC informed handset manufacturers that they were using open source Android as the basis for their research.

The EC concluded that Google was able to maximize its dominant position in the search market through such misconduct, while limiting its ability to compete with other systems in the marketplace. exploitation. .

According to the decision, Google's parent company, Alphabet, had 90 days to change the business practices in question,

Margrete Vestagher, head of competition competition, said in June that although Google does not Offers no comparison of search shopping on the Internet The service charges a fine of $ 2.8 billion for placing Google's subsidiary products first. Google is filing a call, and it is likely that it will appeal as before.

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