High school students who have abandoned the pool and cinema – "OhmyNews"


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 A friend who encourages a refugee nation A friend who encourages a friend A refugee friend makes a friend who encourages a nationality A nation
▲ A friend who encourages a refugee to ask for a nationality A friend

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On the day of summer vacation, 40 students from Songpa-gu B-Junior High School in Seoul sent their lunch to school with a burger. Then I stood in front of the door of the Aliens Office in Seoul, not the computer room, the karaoke room and the pool.

"Please, help my friend from Iran."
"Please help my clbad president."
"I want to study with my friends." [19659007] 50 friends and teachers, parents, teachers and parents of a nation (3rd year of high school) who may be expelled due to rejection of the refugee claim, protested in front of the office foreigners from the Aliens Office in Seoul

Group A arrived in Korea in 2010 after his father, who was seven years old. They lived in Korea for 8 years and converted to Christianity. However, if Iran converts from Islam to another religion, it is punished for apostasy. Group A, who decided to return to Iran due to serious death cases, was denied a refugee claim in 2016. He filed an administrative complaint and won the first round. However, the results were reversed in the second round, and the Supreme Court ruled on May 30 last year. Group A is now able to be expelled.

The friends raised their arms to help group A. On November 11, they filed a national petition asking them to recognize him as a refugee on the website of the national Cheong Wa Dae petition. On the 19th, she made a picket demonstration to cheer up and help a group in the heat of the cauldron by more than 30 degrees.
The second-year college B student who will swim with friends to avoid the heat when it's summer vacation came to help a person who is a close friend. "I think it will be good if we work together," he said. A third student, Song, picked up the next day instead of the cinema. He said, "I came to help my friend."

Kim Kim, College B student council member, said, "A is the usual clbad president, and he said," Then third-year students came to help voluntarily, and students from first and second year who came to know the story told me that they would help. "

He said," "Thank you," he said, " When I was able to continue living in Korea, I told him that I was going to repay the grace. "

" I do not think refugees are not all bad people. "Someone & # 39; One said, "I do not think anyone is bad at all," he said.

B School club students play guitar, but they do not want it 39 and hear and the atmosphere was increased.

On the day of the picket demonstration, five parents also participated. "I would like to help as best as we can on returning to Iran", said Choi, "I want to help you as best we can," he said. Pecket Manifestations), "he said.

A group received support from friends and went to the Immigration Bureau for Foreigners' Office of Foreign Affairs. Seoul and submitted the application for recognition of refugee status.

On the same day, A-gun met Cho Hyun-yeon, the superintendent of education in Seoul, who visited the school the same day Joe Superintendent was concerned about the safety of the eviction, saying that he had already been exposed to the media.

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