'First 10 wins & # 39; Lim Chan-gyu, Asian game is also good


Can we get rid of the burden of the Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games in 2018? Pro Lim Twuk baseball player Lim Chu-kyu (26), who made his professional debut, won 10 victories.

[포토]  </p>
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[포토]  Lim Chun-gyu will win the match ~

[포토] Lim Chun-gyu will win the match ~

Lim Chun-gyu played for the first time in the 7th inning with Nexen Heroes on the 19th at the Goguryeo Sky Dome II hit six hits, including five home runs, but pulled out eight with three strikeouts. Lim Chu-kyu scored 10 wins (6 losses) in the season.

Lim Chan-gyu, who made his professional debut in the LG uniform in 2011, became the first 10-pitcher in his career. Lim Chun-kyu has never won 10 wins in seven seasons until last season. In 2011, when he was a rookie, he recorded 9 wins (6 losses, 7 saves) and since then he has not managed to win a double digit victory in the middle of his career. However, this season, the number of seats in the selection process has been increased. He made 9 wins in the first half of the season and won 10 games in the first game of the second half.

Lim Chan-gyu said: "It took me eight years to reach the first 10 wins of my debut, but I am very happy to be here until today. "This year, I'm trying to speed up the pace of the lawn because I wanted to shorten the defense and help lengthen the attack, and it looks like the pace of the throws has improved" , he added.

 LG Right-handed Lim Chan-gyu who won 10 times for the first time in his life. [중앙포토]

Right Limman Lim Chan-gyu who won 10 times for the first time in his life. [중앙포토]

Lim Chun-gyu is one of LG's starting teams this season, he was named on the final list of the team's Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games baseball on November 11. But since then, I fell like a lie.On June 14th, NC Dynasty lost two and a half innings to ten points. "Six days later, the Hanwha Eagles also scored seven points in three sets and quickly won two consecutive games.

Lim Chan-gyu, who had two schedules because of the rain since then, was on the waiting list at SK Wyverns on June 30 to control his condition. He climbed to the mound at ninth to ninth row with a 3-3 tie. He then headed to Hendonmin, Jamie Roach, and managed a three-point run to become a losing pitcher. Worse still, the body was erased from the group's first entry on the 6th and came back on the 19th.

Finally, the fall of Lim Chan-kyu was highlighted because some of the players who appeared on the Asian games list were in a slump. Im Chan-gyu said, "Honestly, I have not been able to follow the list of Asian games." I do not know why, but I was really upset. "

 [포토] Lim Chan-gyu, I lost the defeat series

[포토] Im Chan-gyu, I lost the losing series

But the fall of Lim Chun-gyu did not last long.To overcome it quickly, I had a lot of mind watching a lot of data from the team. And on the 4th, he scored 9th in the season with three hits and five hits in 7 innings.The curve was the key to escape laziness.At the time, Lim Chun-gyu had 28 curves out of a total of 97 lengths, which doubled the curve rate compared to normal.Ninen also launched 23 shots on 105 shots that day.

I improved with the fastball. " It was a great motivation to go from 9 to 10, "said Yoo Kang-nam, LG's receiver." It seems like I was back early in the season, "he said. 19659005] What is the purpose of "Now I want to show a stable figure at the end of the season without falling suddenly," he said, "I'll increase the number of innings, and I'll lower my ERA. The average ERP of Lim Chan-gyu is 5.23.

Lim Chun-gyu, who had finished his ordeals, looked dismal. He said, "Now I am 10 years old and I will be released in the future, I think that will only happen in Asian games and the rest of the season.

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