"I'm sick of you," the driver's license failed … The "goddess of conduct" is the next (complete)


MBA Nawonja Sanda © News1

"Iwonja Sanda" challenges the driving test.

A day of the artist who challenged the driver's license test at MBC entertainment program & # 39;

Hwasee, who was studying home test preparation, said: "I have all the writing and practical skills but I have not been able to pbad the exam So I got the minimum license and I decided to take the exam.

At the end of the announcement of Jeon Hyun-moo that he had obtained his license in 1998, he was surprised that he was "3 years old" and Jeon Hyun-moo shook his head saying: "It is difficult to park the horse in parallel."

I arrived at the examination room.Jun Hyun Moo is surprised to see the test on the computer.

Hwaseon said in an interview: "I pbaded easily when I pbaded a written examination and practice, but it was a lot harder this time, I was confused. "Said he solved the last problem and waited for the result and pbaded it with a high score of 90.

"It was really difficult the for me to take the test, but I'm sure I can learn it on this occasion. "

However, the painter did not turn on the blinker from the beginning and received a deduction. The artists who watched the stage climb on the ramp were as nervous as they tried and this time pbaded without penalty.

When the painter entered the difficult course of the "T", everyone dropped their eyes and looked at the screen. "I do not usually work," he said. But I have a deduction for parking waiting time.

"I almost had tears, but I do not regret it, I'm going to learn a driving school and learn a person who drives well with Sparta." It was torn.

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