& # 39; ERA 2.80 & # 39; Oh Seung-hwan, 1K in 1/3 scoreless draw … Team is the first win in the second half (Comprehensive) – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.21 11:13

[OSEN=조형래 기자] Oh Seung-hwan (Toronto Blue Jays) got his 12th grip with his first start in the second half

Oh Seung-hwan made his first major league appearance in 2018 at the Toronto Rogers Center, Ontario,

Oh Seung-hwan set the tone in the team's victory and scored six consecutive games without scoring points: he was the first thrower of the team to beat the Orioles of Baltimore. C & # 39; was. He added 12th place and dropped his ERA to 2.80.

Sam Gabriel Grio of Toronto beat the mound with seven hits and seven hits, two walks, eight strikeouts and four strikeouts.

Oh Seung-hwan had six hits in 2B2S with Danny Valencia, the first batter after the eighth inning, and the first of 93 miles … He put a fastball and hit a swing.

And Oh, Seung-hwan handed the ball to Tyler Clifford in the ninth and finished the task that day.

On the other hand, Oh Seung-hwan played the spine role of the game, but the cliffs went 9-in-8 with a hunting run and scored 8-7 with an extension of 10 points. Toronto's two-game losing streak was 44-52.

Toronto took the lead in the third round with Solo's Al Red Miz Diaz.

But in the fifth, Russell Martin rebalanced with Solo, and Randall Grigack's solo was found at the top of the table. He did not stop there, just like the sacrifice of Timoska Hernandez and the double of Justin Smoke at 5-2. [8199003] In eighth, Chris Davis of Baltimore allowed a runner in the eighth inning, and in the eighth inning, Travis Mancini hit the ninth inning,

And the game was extended, with Ruta, an error, and a throw-in, a sacrifice for Caleb Joseph and Jonathan Stephen, Diaz scored a two-run homer in the second and third ends of the second run at the end of the 10th inning. / [email protected]

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