MK News – Kidnapping Child's Death & # 39; on the way to a car … "I do not usually check the vehicle behind"


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In the case of a 4-year-old child in a heat wave left unattended in a hospital car, the driver who drives the vehicle said: I did not check the back of the car separately, "he said.

A Dongducheon police officer in Gyeonggi Province stated on June 21 that Driver A (62) had been investigated from 6:30 pm on the 20th.

million. A is working in a Dongducheon Daycare and is accused of neglecting a B sheep (4) in a heat-heated school car and causing her to die.

million. A said, "I drive and the children's councils are at the teacher's expense," he said. "I finished driving and I handed the car key to the daycare."

A said that he had not received any requests from children to check his car after the fall of the children and that the children had been informed that the boarding of the children did not happen. was not their own responsibility.

Mr. A worked at the daycare for about a year and was responsible for driving a vehicle flying in the morning.

It was found that the intellectual teachers and educators in charge of the previous survey were not taking the basic security measures correctly.

The teacher C (24) stated that on the day of the incident, the boys were trying to meet first.

The teacher D (34), the teacher in charge of the children, did not warn the president and the head of the department even though she knew that she was not coming back. We must report the situation in the morning, but it is confirmed that we are busy and that we have missed reports.

There was a black box inside the car, but it did not even work.

The police review requests for arrest warrants for a total of four people, including the director of the nursery, the childcare teacher, the principal teacher and the driver.

A police official said, "We are discussing internally because the case is serious and we must stop it for further investigation."

On the 17th at 17:50 on the 17th, B was found in a car in a kindergarten in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province.

It was studied that B was left for about 7 hours in a heat wave that was over 30 degrees at that time.

[디지털뉴스국 김수연 인턴기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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