[오늘의 MBN] Dogs and stars live together


■ Happiness came to my home (23:00 on the 23rd)

MBN, a complete channel, launches a "national adoption project" to determine the fate of organic dogs. On Nov. 23, MBN's new entertainment program, "A Happy House Arrived Home", had predicted that 10 million people at the age of the dog would be a project to find happiness. In this program, the stars perform activities ranging from temporary protection of dogs to adoption. If a dog is discovered first, the star protects and interacts with the dogs for a certain period of time and also becomes an adoptive parent and temporary guardian until the dog is adopted. Actors Kim Soo-mi, Han Chae-young, speed skater Lee Suk-hwa, singer Don Spike le Boyz, and son Yoonhoo of Yoon Min-soo's son appear as temporary keepers of organic dogs.

During the first broadcast on the 23rd, the first encounter with these organic dogs is spread out. The actor Kim Soo-mi tries to meet the first dog at home in Busan Haeundae. I have never been to a dog since I got married. Kim Soo-mi makes the name of a dog named "Marine" after the name of his neighborhood. That's Chihuahua, which is only six months after he's been saved. I have never been outside before moving to the shelter of the breeding place.

The actor Han Chee-young's Happy is a puppy with a spinal bone paralyzed in a traffic accident and a mother who paralyzed her lower body. After hearing the story, Han Chae-Young said, "I am sick, I will raise my child well before going to see a good guardian. However, when 'Sannam – Mart', who has not been trained in defecation, is sitting on the carpet in the living room, Han Chae – young begins to panic. Speed ​​skater Choi Soo-hwa takes care of the organic dog `Yeti`. It is said that he made his name "Yesi" from the heart who wants to live strong everywhere. `Yeti` wore a small cable tie in the discovery area and from the moment it was built in the shelter.

Dogs wearing this tie will be euthanized if they do not meet their family during the period. Yuti, who was in the euthanasia crisis, had time to live longer by meeting Lee Sukhwa. The Yoon-Hoo elementary school student also goes to temporary tutelage of organic dogs. It was a temporary protection to find the friend of a "pure" friend who had already raised at home. "I was shaking for the first time and shivering for three seconds," said Yunho, who headed to the temporary shelter to select the dogs.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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