[서소문사진관] & # 39; Marine Corps without accidents & # 39; … The unfulfilled wish of a young 20-year-old sailor


  The family of Park Jae-woo (20 years old), who died during an incident on a helicopter, revealed a Park Sang-jang notebook, received from the Marine Corps of the Pohang Joint Venture, in North Gyeongsang Province.

The 20-year-old Park Jae-woo family, who died in a helicopter accident, revealed a Park Sang-jang notebook, received on February 22 by the Marine Corps Joint Venture Pohang, in North Gyeongsang Province. "The view of the helicopter" is checked in the manual of Park Sang-jang, who wrote his goals at hand. But the bottom line was that the goal of "doing marines all over the world (without incident)" did not occur. [연합뉴스]

& # 39; 72.

Father Ye Jin-jin (19459008) who received the textbook from his son, Park Jae-woo (20 years old), from the joint ambbadador of the Marion Helicopter Accident Workers to Dae- 50) did not know the tears. His hand was shaking as he read a wish list from his son.

 The bereaved families who restored the remains of Park Jae-woo are in mourning. The family members are saddened by the family members who received

and returned the remains of Park Jae-woo. The families said, "And if the marines are to be made without accidents and the goal is to come back," he said. [연합뉴스]

Sergeant Koh Park's manual contains 82 greetings from a 20-year-old.

"Receive a scholarship, swim, learn a photo, get a mbadage certificate, study accounting, write coldly".

But the dream of this twenty-year-old youth has become impossible now. Just above the Marine Corps without Accident & # 39; was the & # 39; Helicopter & # 39; view. It was his last wish fulfilled in a helicopter crash.

Park Sang-jung, who was in the sports department because he loved the exercise, enlisted in the Marines last April. He was very proud to be a Marine, and he left his marine helicopter "Marine on" on March 17, leaving him nine months away from the plane. Five of them, including Park, were promoted to 1st place on the 18th.

 The father who returned the remains of Mr. Ko Jae-woo shows his son's manual. [연합뉴스]

The father who returned the remains of Mr. Ko Jae-woo shows his son's manual. [연합뉴스]

The booklet of Park was delivered to the family of the Marines the same day, with bags containing clothes.

Father Park said, "I did not know that 71 of the 82 things I wanted to do after Jae Woo was aboard a helicopter,

 The Senior grandfather Park Jae-woo cries in front of a free member of the Korean National Emergency Committee on Emergence, Kim Byung-joon. [연합뉴스]

Grandpa Park Jae – woo cries in front of Kim Byeong – joon, a free member of the Korean National Committee of Emergencies of Innovation [연합뉴스]

On the fifth day of the accident and the second day of the tsunami, 1000 people, including the president of the chiefs of Joint Staff, Jung Kyung Doo, followed

Park Sang-jang's grandfather was crying in front of President Kim Byeong-joon, chairman of the South Korean party's emergency committee, with a letter picking out "Kill me … Kill me …"

 Defense Secretary Song Hyung-moo (left) protests against a bereaved family at the Joint Mission of the Victims of a Helicopter Accident in the 1st Pohang Marines Division in Gyeongsang Province on March 21st. On June 20, Defense Minister Song Hyung-moo protested a family member of a joint ambbadador for the victims of a helicopter accident in the 1st Division of the Corps Pohang Marines, Gyeongbuk Province. On June 20, Minister Song said, "I think it annoys me because I do not understand enough the problems of the law and the reason for the anger of the bereaved family members. [뉴스1]
<p>  On May 21, Song Hyung-moo, the Minister of Defense, visited and co-opted for a marine helicopter crash in Pohang, Gyeongsang Province. The Minister of National Defense said: "On misconceptions about the responses of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly on June 20, Song expressed the intention to be misled and asked bereaved families to understand it. . </p>
<p>  At the plenary meeting of the National Assembly on the 20th, Song said: "I think it is inappropriate that the bereaved family members be troubled by the problem of parliamentary elections," Song said. Some family members shouted at Cho Moon-sung, "Do you think we are irritated by the law, or are we so unconscious?" </p>
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 On the 22nd, the marine colleagues who visited the common ministry are crying. [연합뉴스]

On March 22, marine colleagues who visited the joint ministry censor. [연합뉴스]

The funerals of these helicopters, including Sang-jang Park, are held at the Marine Corps Headquarters at Pohang Marine Corps 1st Corps, Pohang Marine Corps, at 9:30 am on the 23rd.

Meanwhile The family and headquarters of the Marine Corps decided on March 21 to cooperate with the accident investigation committee through a joint press release and to appoint a private president recommended by their bereaved family. We decided to identify the cause of the accident in a neutral and objective way, no doubt on the scientific basis. Along with this, we plan to build a monument to commemorate the honorable seafarers forever and honor the spirit of noble sacrifice. (19459008)
[연합뉴스] ” data-src=”http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/23/13d5f788-a73d-4f3b-9db3-81aaab36648e.jpg”/>

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