"Hospitalization should be approached with a supplement of medical manpower" – Pharmaceutical News


It has been suggested that the admission specialist who needs the safety of the patient and the improvement of the effectiveness of the medical specialty and the special law of specialization should address the point of strengthening medical staff in the clinical field among others. Jang Sung-in, Professor of Preventive Medicine at the College of Medicine, said in a presentation entitled "Results and evaluation of the evaluation of the pilot project for hospitalized specialist specialists" at the "Forum for the Specialist Expansion" specialized in hospitalization "at Asan Medical Center in Seoul

The Admission Specialist is a specialist in permanent observation, counseling and discharge planning since the initial inpatient consultation which strengthens the patient safety, increases the effectiveness of medical treatment and improves the training environment

Accordingly, in August 2015, a Korean hospice

As a result of the demonstration project, the Specialization system of hospitalized hospital was opened to the medical service and the service of patients for patients.

When we look at the most important satisfaction of the patient, ▲ contact with the responsible person after hospitalization (1.63 times) ▲ easy meeting with the responsible person during the interview request (2 , 18 times) (2.14 times) ▲ Provide quick answers to questions (2.23 times) ▲ Friendly attitude (1.98 times) of the person in charge ▲ (1.27 times) ▲ Relaxed healing process (1 , 91 times) ▲ Easy explanation of the treatment plan and method (2.12 times) ▲ Listen attentively to the patient's opinions (2.55 times) ▲ Competent (1.65 times) ▲ Provide continuous treatment information (1.85 times)

DML satisfaction of the admission specialist is ▲ recognition of the need to improve the security of the position (26%) ▲ satisfaction level (3.8%) ▲ Satisfied 25 ~ 46.7% according to the working model in the medical service ▲ 16.7 ~ 50% satisfied in the surgery department

Also, nurse's satisfaction ▲ communication with the doctor) ▲ sharing the treatment plan (8.67 times) ▲ reducing the workload 14.16 times) ▲ the worker's satisfaction was 9.39 times

In the badessment related to the costs of operation, the average salary was about 147 million won per specialist,

The average working time per professional worker is about 53.2 hours in terms of conversion time, and it is estimated that the average working time per professional is about 53.1 million won Time (weeks), 40 hours

Regarding the cost of hospitalization, about 584,000 won were hospitalized, including 199,000 won (34.4%) and hospitalization costs. The cost of maintenance was 183,000 won (31.4%). The cost of hospitalization is about 70,000 won (13.2%), the number of hospitalizations is 19,000 won (3.3%), the cost of the hospitalization is 19,000 won. hospitalization is about 104,000 won (17.9%),

▲ Some results of the pilot project

Based on the results of the pilot project, the teacher who is a

Professor Zhang said : "The minimum number of admission specialists is at least about 42,339 won," said Professor Chang, 50 beds, occupancy rate of 90% based on a rate of 90% occupancy is 52,333 won per hospitalized patient, which is calculated by deducting 550,200 won for medical service income of 4,692 won. He added: "Currently, 42,290 won is the sum of 22,000 won added to 35,090 in the number."

He said: "We must designate and operate the business through the operation of a dedicated department."

He said: "The scale size should be controlled, and it should be decided according to the number of specialists. "But we expect it to increase linearly with the trend of the United States and Japan. It is estimated that 50% of nursing beds, 30% of nursing beds and 4% of hospital beds are managed by a hospital specialist. About 5000 specialists are needed. That's about 4% of the total doctors, and it should cost about 1800 ~ 200 billion five years after the family took 20 years to grow at a steady pace. "

Professor Zhang stressed:" I would like to emphasize that I would like to emphasize that I would like to emphasize that I would like to emphasize that I would like to point out that a comprehensive conception of the politics of the hand- work is important to be linked to human resource policy, "

In addition, Professor Chang said:" It is important to design a comprehensive human resources policy that can be linked to human resources policies of staff emergency, rapid response team, professional nurse, etc. "The number of night shifts for the five-person system (24 hours spent) should be increased."

In order to establish the identity of the cardiologist, it is necessary to help the government to study the effect and the expansion plan of the specialized system for the purpose of l '. admission by hospitals and hospitals. We need a system that can educate them if necessary.

In addition, Professor Jang Sung-in said, "There is a need to expand the strategy from the perspective of the public, medical providers and the government. "In the case of people, the system is provided with stable systematic equipment such as public and physician advertising in addition to the standard of evaluation and competitive level of maintenance, while the system is provided with stable systematic equipment such as public and physician advertising in addition to the standard of evaluation and competitive level of maintenance, while the medical institution uses the merit of the operation.Equity, quality, and so on. "

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