Samsung · Rounded "I will accept the arbitration of September unconditionally" (full)


Arrangement "Having an advisory committee composed of experts to host the two arbitrators"

  Samsung Electronics and the Roundup Committee, which is a group of victims of leukemia, signing Ceremony of the Arbitration agreement for the resumption of mediation
Samsung Electronics and the Committee on Roundup, which is a group of victims of leukemia, The signing ceremony of the arbitration convention for the resumption of the second arbitration will be held in Chongpyeong, a law firm located in Chungjungro. (19659004) Samsung Electronics and rounded (the protection of health and human rights of semiconductor workers), Kim Hyun-min (Kim Hyun-min, Kim Hyun-min reporter) Samsung Electronics announced on Wednesday that it would accept the second arbitration agreement to be presented by the conciliation board immediately after the signing ceremony for the resumption of the second arbitration between the rounds.

Both parties reached an agreement in July 2015, but the agreement was rejected because Samsung Electronics rejected the first arbitration by the arbitration committee. At the time, Samsung Electronics was opposed to the creation of a public company of 100 billion won in the arbitration committee, and to the compensation of imprecise causation. . A Samsung official said: "The mediation plan contained a plan to create a public company in the form of a corporation ." The company can change the purpose of the company at any time, and only 70 billion won I did not agree that I spend 30 billion won on business operating expenses, "he said declared. In response to this, a press conference was held shortly after the signing: "We have never claimed that the rounded should establish a public benefit society, only that the content of the formation of public interest corporations was included in the content proposed by the arbitration committee. He said, "If you do not make a public company, you never said you broke the deal. "

In addition," Rounding will be entirely entrusted to the arbitration committee and the advisory committee, "he said." "After the announcement of the committee's mediation plan, Arbitration, we will accept the arbitration agreement without any objection, "he said," We will accept a wise proposal for arbitration without dispute of the arbitration committee. "I think ", he said.

Samsung Electronics also promised to accept unconditional arbitration." Kim Sun-sik, executive director of Samsung Electronics, as a representative of Samsung Electronics, said stated: "It was difficult to accommodate the (arbitrary) arbitration method." Only a complete resolution of the problems can comfort the patients and their families. "He said. "I think the arbitration committee will prepare the most reasonable arbitration proposal, and I will actively cooperate with the arbitration committee's schedule."

The Arbitration Committee intends to form an Advisory Committee under the authority of the Arbitration Committee to develop a reasonable arbitration agreement that both parties may agree to . Arbitration will be announced in September. Kim Ji-hyeong, chairman of the arbitration committee, involved in arbitration with Samsung Electronics, said: "We will form an advisory committee under the mediation of the mediation committee to prepare proposals for mediation, arbitration and arbitration. Apologies, prevention of recidivism, social contributions, etc. "

He said:" The Advisory Committee must have people who have excellent knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and who have experience in field work on related issues. "Through the Advisory Committee, we will be following a professionally focused social discussion process." In addition, he said, "We will look for ways to effectively address the risks of occupational diseases caused by occupational diseases." uncertainty of safety and health issues at work and rounding up the victims. "

  The victims of Samsung Electronics and Leukemia The coordinating committee held a signing ceremony for the second convention. arbitration on the resumption of arbitration in Chinpyeong, a law firm located in Chungjung-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul.
The group of victims of Samsung Electronics and Leukemia, Roundup and Coordination Committee, resumed the second round of arbitration in Chinchyeong branch of Chunjungro, A signing ceremony for the arbitration convention.Hwang Sang-ki, the father of Yoo Mi-hee, died of leukemia in 2007 at the factory semiconductor company of Samsung Electronics, said: "Korea was " He is very pleased that the problem of Samsung's occupational disease is now arisen, and this should not be repeated in our field of work in Korea. " [

<img src = "" alt = "The 2, in front of the Sejong Cultural Center, Jongno-gu, Seoul, there is a press conference for 1,000 days of protests continues against the protection of health and human rights of semiconductor workers A press conference on the protection of health and human rights (borough) semiconductor workers stands in front of the Sejong Cultural Center, Jongno – gu, Seoul, on the 2nd.

On the other hand, the rounding ceremony takes place at 19:00 in front of the Samsung Electronics building Seocho in Gangnamgu, Seoul, and the ceremony takes place for 1023 days. "The reason we have been roaming is to not forget the victims of Samsung Leukemia, and the other is d & # 39; bring the second round of arbitration, and we have accomplished both ends, "said the round table. 9007] Journalist Wondara [email protected]

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