The demand for electric power reaches a record level in one day … Supply Reserve Rate 8% Collapse (Overall)


  The demand for electric power rises to its highest level in a day ... Supply reserve rate of 8% collapse (overall)
[아시아경제 이지은 기자] Today, demand for peak for electrical energy has warmed to the highest level since the heat. The reserve requirement ratio decreased by 8%.

According to the Korea Power Exchange Power Statistics information system, the load (electrical power demand) currently at 14:15 on September 24 is 9174.5 KW exceeding the previous day's peak of 90.7 million kW.

Since the peak demand was around 5:00 pm the day before, the demand for electricity could still increase.

The supply reserve ratio is 719.5 million ㎾ and the reserve reserve is 7.84 This is large. This could result in a 6% decrease in the reserve reserve. If the reserve rate falls below 5%, there is a risk of power failure in case of emergency.

Daegu is at 38 degrees in Seoul and 37 degrees in Seoul because of a sudden heat wave due to the constant heat wave. President Moon Jae-in called on the same day the Cabinet meeting held in Cheong Wa Dae to "consider the prolonged heat wave as a special disaster level and take back the measures concerned".

"We will not be doing DR that day," he said. As a result of evaluating the opinions of the companies participating in R & D, it was also influenced by the fact that many companies needed flexibility in performing R & D when it was possible at the end of the operation in the near future.

DR is a typical demand management policy that is compensated by the government when companies reduce their electricity consumption during peak hours. In order to reduce the burden of business caused by DR, the government has decided to change the issuance standard from this summer and only implement it when it expects power. more than 88.3 million kW in reserve power less than 10 million kWh. Reporter [email protected]

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