Annie App, domestic consumer "streaming content" and social spending and communication forward


[자료제공: 앱애니]

▲ Global Video Streaming Apps and Consumer Spending

Looking at the top 10 apps (excluding gaming) for iOS and Google Play, combined spending on Q2 2018, Netflix, Tencent Video, (iQIYI) and other streaming services have recorded high consumer spending.

This is badyzed as a result of the steady establishment of the trend of image content consumption that began with typical video streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube.

South Korea iOS and Google Play in the second quarter of 2018 Looking at the top 10 applications (excluding games), we found that the applications social and communication such as KakaoTalk, Azar, Amanda, Consumer spending for streaming music services, such as radio spoon, melon and music streaming services such as Pooq, Netflix and YouTube, as well as that global trends have been judged high


Consumer spending in Korea, unlike the overseas market … Google Play is three times more than iOS App Store

Although consumer spending of the iOS App Store in the global mobile applications economy is even greater than Google Play, the gap is decreasing steadily. That's because Google Play is entering emerging markets based on cheap Android phones. Emerging markets such as India and Brazil are seeing new smartphone users discover and experiment with apps, which is helping to increase downloads, resulting in increased spending.

The consumer habits of mobile applications in Korea are very different from global trends. In the second quarter of 2018, Korean smartphone users spent more than three times more than the iOS App Store on Google Play. This is the driving force for Korea to reach the top spot in the second quarter of 2018 in terms of global consumer share based on Google Play. Google Play users from Google are downloading 2.5 times more apps than iOS this quarter (with the exception of reinstallation and updates), and their spending has also gone up more than three times [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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