[존스컵] 3 3-shot shot 12 fireworks show & # 39; the Korean women's team, Taiwan B of the first


[바스켓코리아 = 이성민 기자] The Korean women's basketball team won the first game of the Jones Cup with Taiwan B.

The South Korean women's basketball team won the 81-64 victory over Taiwan B in the first round of the 2018 William Jones Cup at Taiwan's new Taipei gymnasium on Saturday,

Kim Han- hee scored 17 points, 8 rebounds, 2 badists and 1 stole in the center. On the outskirts, Kang Dyus has surely added 15 points, 3 rebounds, 1 badists and 1 robbery. Park Hahn and Park Hye-jin were also responsible for 4 flights with 3 points, 7 points, 6 rebounds and 9 badists. South Korea, which played a major role, also dominated the provisional battle (rebounds: 42-35).

Korea took the lead in the first quarter. Kang Dyul and Kim Han-were at the top of Korea's first line. The Taiwanese B also persistently resisted attacking Liu Xie, but this was not enough to overcome Korea's momentum. South Korea, who was cruising, managed to widen his gap with Park Hye-jin, Young-hee Lim and Kim Sook-dam after halftime of the operation. The first quarter was ahead with 24-17.

In the first quarter, Korea played against Taiwan B in the second quarter. Choi, Eun-sil, Goa, Shim Sung-young and other Six-Men came out on the field, but they did more than their share and dug the gap. South Korea, which experienced a solid progression, was in the second half with 41-28.

The gap between the two figures in the first half was kept stable. Kim Han-bum and Kwang-dole scored 11 points in the third quarter. Lim Yong-hee and Park Ji-hyun joined the scoring process and finished the third quarter with an overwhelming 69-40 lead. With a three-quarter stop buzzer,

No change occurred for the remaining 10 minutes. Taiwan B had the last battle in the first half of the fourth quarter with eight consecutive points, but Choi Eun-sil's cold-blooded goal cut Taiwan B's will. The game was over. South Korea finished the first match of the Jones Cup with a three-point shot by Park Hahnah, who had only two minutes left in the game. [ad_2]
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