MK News – Huge lake found under Mars


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  Explanation of the photos The Antarctic area of ​​Mars where Italian researchers observed the use of the Mars orbiter Express Mars Express. The radar signals observed in this area indicate that there are lakes below the surface. [사진제공 = 사이언스]

It was confirmed that there is a huge lake under the second land of Mars, March.

A team of researchers from the Italian Institute of Space Physics and Paddodada said they observed a huge lake beneath the surface of Mars following the use of radar to observe the polar regions of Mars. The results of the study were published on the 25th of the international scientific journal Science.

Researchers used MARSIS radar equipment installed on the Mars Express to observe the polar regions of Mars.

Mars Express was launched in June 2003 as a Mars orbiter jointly developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Institute of Space Research. On December 25th of the same year, it sits in the upper 270 km orbit above Mars and spends 10 years in orbit around Mars, observing the surface of Mars using six cameras and one radar spectrometer. In 2004, he managed to shoot ice from Antarctica from Mars.
The Mars on Mars Express can shoot the radar towards the surface of Mars and then measure the degree of reflection or badyze the angle of spread to determine the components of the area that the radar is touching. From May 2012 to December 2015, researchers focused on the glaciers of Mars' Antarctic "Planum Austral" region. After getting 29 radar samples, I made a map around the area where the radar signal suddenly changed. The area extends up to 1.5 km below the surface and extends for 20 km. The radar samples badyzed in this area were like the radar signals detected in the South Pole region of the Earth and the lakes below the Greenland Glacier. "This means that there is a lake below the glacier in this region of Mars," the researchers said. Although the temperature in this area is below the freezing point of pure water. "The pressure of the accumulated ice is lowered, and the liquid like water can exist under the glacier like the earth," add the researchers.

In the past, NASA has found evidence of indirect water flow still on the surface of Mars. In summer, when the temperature increases, a dark slope appears on the surface of Mars and disappears when it is cold. This land is called `RSL (Recurring Slope Lineae) & # 39 ;.

This may be indirect evidence that salt water is flowing. Pure water is present as ice at temperatures below zero degrees. But when it is mixed with impurities such as salt, it can be present in liquid form even at minus 23 degrees as the freezing point falls. "Mars is not as dry as we thought," NASA said. "Under certain circumstances, we confirmed the presence of salt water on the surface of Mars."

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