[종합] "Even if I lie 18 years old · 100 million lies" "Haitou 3" Hanso Won × Sim Jinhae, impressed wedding story – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.27 00:17

Hansonwon and Sim Jin-hwa shared a moving marriage story.

Kim Jinsu – Jung Hyung Park – Hanso Won – Sim Jinhwa appeared as a wedding evangelist in the "Haitou Dong: Marriage is a good thing" from the KBS 2TV entertainment "Happy Together 3" aired on 26. [19659004Hansonsaysshe's18yearsolderthanherhusbandHansonsaid"MyhusbandhasagarmentfactoryandagarmentsiteinGuangzhou"

Asked about the strength of visual arts idols of her husband, he says, "I'm interested in fashion and accessories because I make clothes, when I upload my own photos, I sell myself well and I became an SNS star.

She said that she is healthy because she is young. "I moved to the honeymoon house and everything was fine, there was an uncle who came to help me move, I heard better than them, I do not know how to cook, I even dance after watching TV, 19659003] Hanson told his story of love with her husband.

Hanson Won said: "I have friends all over China, I was playing with my friends in Shenzhen, and my friend uploaded a photo on SNS, and I was friends with him and my I gave the ring at that time, and the next time I met, I returned the ring and it seemed dull, and the letter "Ring my heart" came to my mind, then I closed the ring on the third day I received and continue to meet me, "he said.

Then, "I was told about my age when I was about a month old, I was 43 years old and I was an artist, and my husband did not not been contacted for two days.I got married in six months because I said, "Let's get married soon."

Hanson Won said: "I tried to live happily with frozen eggs at 40 years old. But I met my husband and he was happier than the party, so I thought I should marry this man. "

On this day, a new husband of Hanson Won appeared on the Hanson's husband, Jin-hwa, showed the essence of "dazzling eyes" and even showed the dance of idols.

Asked what it was when he got away with it. realized that he was old, he thought: "I did not think it was important when I heard the age difference at first." I have thought of my plans for the next two days, "I will try to be a good husband, I will protect you and your child."

Sim Jinhae also tells the story marriage story. "When I was so hard and I had no money, Wonhyo asked me to get married and I told him that I had saved 100 million because I did not have money, but I had green that he was lying and had only 10 million won. "" When I knew it, I arrived with a double bath, because I had 10 million won, and I was so angry that I was so angry that I shouted to the sky and asked for time to think about it myself. I was so happy that I loved Wonhyo too much, and I married her with love. "

As for the cost of the wedding, it is said that" Miracle is happening, Kim Wonhyo has lived very well and lent him all the money. I lived a miraculous life. "He added that he recently bought a house after seven years of marriage." /[email protected]

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