[암호화폐 시황] Ripple 0.20% ↑ Quantum 0.57% ↑ Dash 0.90% ↑ … 2: 0



[웹데일리=김민지 기자] Cryptography (virtual currency) is up from an hour ago (1 to 28)

Upbit Cryptography (Virtual Currency) According to the Korea Exchange, the riffle is trades at 511 won, up 0.20% at 2 am on October 28th.

Quantum is up 0.57% to 8760 won, bid to buy.

Dash rose 0.90% According to the BITSUM CURRENCY trade, the ripple is trading at 510 won, up 0.20% at 02:00 on January 28th.

Light coin rose 0.00% to 95,500 won

Dash fell 2.59% to 383,000 won, while Monetro rose 0.00% to 158,600 won, while Quantum shares climbed of 0.00% to reach 9,480 won.

Currency Cryptography (Virtualization) According to the Korea Exchange, the riffle is trading at 510 won, up 0.20% at 2:00 am on January 28th.

The light coin declined 0.74% to 94.450 won, Quantum rose 0.34% to 8760 won


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